I think I understand your last paragraph on having paperwork ready but digging around in your vehicle while officers are approaching could make them extremely nervous,
I remember once back in the 80’s I had bought a new C10 pickup and my wife and and I were running errands. It started to rain, and I’m talking blinding down pours, I was driving slow “city street” when I got pulled over, I heard the officer over his PA request I exit the truck and walk back to the police car, I didn’t, a second request and I still sat in my truck, remember it was a torrential rain, about 5 minutes went by and the officer knocked on my window, I rolled it down, he was soaking wet and was really upset....
Why didn’t you come back to my police car when I asked you to????
My calm response.
Because I would be putting myself in danger of being hit by another car.
He wrote me a ticket for no tail lights.
Although I had my lights on it was found that I had a short in the wiring and the rain had shut them off, I contested the ticket and won. The bottom line is during a traffic stop you need to stay calm and respectful but you DON’T have to get out of your vehicle.
When I get in the car before I put on my seatbelt, my driver's license, the vehicle insurance card, the registration, and my LEOSA cards are put under the visor in a passport wallet that is spring clipped to the visor. When I leave the car, I take out what needs to be in my wallet. So, if a LEO stops the car, everything is in one place at a level that is easily available and in plain sight. That avoids digging around when stopped.