I just checked unsure about the city limits. Don't really see what difference it makes -- filled out lots of them 4473's and frankly, it's s stupid government question.a side note... at academy sports filling out the dread digital 4473 the employee mentioned that company policy prevents them from explaining the questions on the new form. And if you answered one wrong, they were prevented from telling you which one
i worked for the gov far to long to know that these forms are purposely designed to trip you up and THOUS shall not hurry through them for fear of a brain fart
anyway i got all a 100 percent on correct answers
but the one about residing in the city limits still gets me
we are in the county, with a city address and its very grey as to what we are...city or county because of the way the county lists us
then he says... your LTC lists you as 250 lbs ad you put in 229...i gave a weird look?? yes i have lost some weight what does that matter to atf or fbi???