
What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

dillon precision 550 toolhead, 300wsm caliber conversion & extra-large powder die.

i don't even have a 300wsm, but i ordered it anyway:sneaky:

now to decide on what gun type for this cartridge (not caliber)?

i think about getting a switch-lug type as to be able to use 1 action and several different cartridges, but most likely going AR. what's not to love about those dangerous non-descriptive colored weapons of choice🤣!

also ordered from midway the dies for the 300wsm. all that's needed is the brass which is easier to find than i thought.
I took that night vision scope off. i played with it last night and could see it's going to be a pain to use. have to focus it at every distance. i know it's a cheap model but trying to hold the gun and focus it was a nightmare. i'll put it on something else. with that said i made a trip back to the gun shop and they put this on. Sig Buckmaster 4x16x44. came with a digital range finder.
