
What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

I just bought a 6.5CM upper a week ago; Let me know where you bought yours - if it's the least expensive right now I'm'a gonna want some too!
I got my 6.5CM at a local LGS, but you should check out these for 6.5CM.

My 17rd Masada S magazines were waiting for me when I got home..
View attachment 77216

They make my little Israeli friend look a little more badass if I do say so myself..
View attachment 77217
I would love to have some "Jew Pews" as well. I'd like to get a matched set; a Masada, a Tavor 7, and a Tavor SAR. I'll probably go with the OD Green (my favorite color).
I got my 6.5CM at a local LGS, but you should check out these for 6.5CM.

Thanks for that! I'm subscribed to SG Ammo already, looking at the other link now.

Went to the gun show today and got a good deal on a couple of boxes of Norma MHP 9mm.

That's not my favorite but it has worked every time. I bought my first box of MHP four or five years ago at a local sporting goods store, during the height of Covid when it was slim pickings for all ammo. It was about $2 per round. Recently I've seen it for about $8 per box.

That reminds me, I need to order my monthly allotment. Maybe a case of Blazer Brass. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,

Spent $10 this morning at LGS having them pin the XS dot sight on the front of my Ruger LCR.

Easy, they (XS) said. Nothing to it, they said. Easy off, easy on, they said. LOL. Original pin broke while tapping it out. Apparently Ruger thought some substantial amount of thread locker was necessary to mount original sight. Broke pin that came with XS front sight trying to manipulate tip to get it started. Waited a few days for some new stainless steel roll pins of the appropriate size to arrive (that were only available in lots of 100, but only $9 total). Learned it’s practically impossible to squeeze a 1/16” stainless steel roll pin to get it started (and using a phone as a magnifying glass wasn’t helpful).

Long story short, should have spent that $10 LAST weekend and saved a week of aggravation. Bright side - I have a new set of starter punches, a cache of 99 stainless steel 1/4” by 1/16 roll pins, and a nice XS yellow dot firmly pinned to the front of my LCR! 😂