
What influences you when purchasing a firearm

It has always varied ....... Some from ads, some from special needs (ex: competition, hunting certain game, etc), some from recommendations of friends (probably the least influential), some simply a deal too good to pass up, some just caught my eye in the moment, and some 'just because' !!! (y)(y)(y)

All the rest I bought on a foolish whim !!! ;)
Mostly, how much money I have while visiting the LGS :unsure::D. But honestly, I generally have an idea on what I really want from reading about new announcements and reviews, and for these, I'll put in as orders at the LGS if they don't have it there. Sometimes an Ad will entice me as well as recommendations on in strore firearms my Sales buddy tries to interest me in (usually with much success). :ROFLMAO:
For me, I usually have an ideal of what I am going after, but when I get there and start looking, I forget what I was going after and mostly buy something else, I need to concentrate on my original purchase should be and quite going off in bang bang land…..😵‍💫
These days, I almost always learn about new guns from one of the gun websites I visit. If it is something I might be interested in, I start tracking down online reviews (video & print). If the gun appears to be reliable, then I start looking at price. I'm not usually the type of guy who buys something immediately after its release, so I normally have a good amount of time to research before I make a purchase.

I'm a sucker for a good sale, so I have made several purchases with very little research when I found a tremendous deal. Most recently, I found a SAR9 for well under $300 with free shipping and a $30 rebate. I didn't know much about the SAR USA products, but I was willing to take a chance on paying barely over $200 for a gun with a decent amount of positive reviews. I'm not too picky, so I usually end up liking the guns I find in this way.
I'll probably read about it in American Rifleman or American Handgunner. Then I'll see reviews online. Then maybe I'll know someone who has one. Then I'll wait several years before buying one right before it goes out of production and becomes obsolete.
Brandname first and foremost
Then needed caliber or type
Or like noted, deal to good to pass up from a trusted brand
I generally follow Killer’s list but with some amendments:
Brand name reputation
If handgun, how does it feel in my hand ??
Deal or sale price available?

I rarely concern myself with sales persons’ advice, but I will consider a preponderance of opinion from the internet (assuming there’s enough data out there for a new product). Ads can catch my eye, but if they don’t mention any specs then they don’t help my decision any.
1. Determine specific POU (philosophy of use) for the firearm
a. Determine what different models fit the POU
b. Eliminate undesirables for non-standard reasons
2. Hickok45
3. Honest Outlaw
4. Military Arms Channel
5. Nutnfancy
6. Any other youtube reviews in no particular order
7. Feel and operation in person
8. Local inventory

Generally don't consider price until I have a specific make and model picked out, then sometimes not even then. I try to take care of locals that take care of me.
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I don’t put that much thought into some strict protocol when deciding to buy a gun. If I see or hear about one I’m interested in I read everything I can find about it, talk to some guys I know about it and if I decide to buy it I try to locate it at the best price possible from a known, legitimate retailer.
I read about guns even if they don't appeal to me. Those that pique an interest trigger (pun intended) more research. If one is on my radar, I look for deals in stores and through ads and flyers. I stick with name brands and often purchase when I can save at least $100 over regular prices. I'm not averse to paying MSRP for a coveted model such as my 629.
I read about guns even if they don't appeal to me. Those that pique an interest trigger (pun intended) more research. If one is on my radar, I look for deals in stores and through ads and flyers. I stick with name brands and often purchase when I can save at least $100 over regular prices. I'm not averse to paying MSRP for a coveted model such as my 629.
You had me at 629!
Well, let’s go through my decision tree for my last purchase; a Sig Cross .308.

First, I’d considered getting a compact, lightweight bolt .308 for a while. I found that I liked chassis-system rifles the more I shot them.

My dealer had Crosses on his shelf off and on for the past year; I liked their compactness, I liked their light weight, the chassis was a nice fit…and Sig doesn’t make junk. However, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to pay the price.

Then, last month, I was talking with my dealer, asking if he had any interest in a Savage BA Stealth in 6.5CM; I wanted to consolidate calibers, and I just wasn’t in love with the cartridge. He made me a good offer on a trade against the Cross, so…done deal.

No, I didn’t consult the interwebs gunz gurus video channels; honestly, I couldn’t care less about their opinions. I did ask on a couple of fora for people’s hands on opinions, which were mostly positive.
My nightmares consist of me pulling out a Beretta 9000s and having it go "click" just as the bad guy is getting close enough to hurt me. After a quick tap-rack, I hit the bang-switch again and the round comes out of the barrel at 12 mph, thuds against the guy's chest, and falls to the ground. This stems from a nightmare 9000s I owned back in the 90's that failed me too many times.

Reliability is #1 for me.
Accuracy is a close #2.