Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled What Is an AR Pistol? and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/what-is-an-ar-pistol/.

Give them time, I’m sure they will call them something other then a pistol.Lol its an AR pistol at the moment. Give the ATF five more minutes and they will change something to make it an SBR.
Total fun. I have a ton of fun at the range with my two and although I’ve only put about 80 rounds through my Edge 5.56 pistol it has been flawless.What is an AR pistol?
Fun. That’s what they are.
I’ve got one of each and although I have more rounds through the Victor Pistol in the 300BO I’m thinking I may come to like the Edge Pistol in 5.56 moreAR Pistol = Sweet in 300BO or 5.56
https://www.armytimes.com/news/your...rifle-qualifications-and-small-arms-training/An AR-15 Pistol in most cases is just a legal form of a Short Barreled Rifle SBR After building mine I was able to shoot on the U.S.ARMY base Rifle Range being retired Army. I zeroed my Pistol on the official US.ARMY 25 meters zero target after being satisfied with the 25 meter zero. I then went over to the qualification course Targets were engaged from 50 meters to 300 meters I took 40 rounds to practice and 40 to qualify and I qualified EXPERT 40 targets out of 40 a computer keeps score now. My pistol sports a 10.5" FN barrel 1:8 twist the ammo was the standard m 855 Iron sights in the carry handle front sight post-Iron sight. When I retired from the U.S.ARMY in 1991 the M16A2 was the issue battle rifle of the day It sported a 20" Heavy barrel and 1:7 twist it was very accurate when compared to the old M16 & M16A1. The Basic training troops see this old man with an AR-15 Pistol with a 10.5 " barrel they were impressed with it and the fact I could hit the 300-meter target with it they were saying things like he must be Spec Ops? CIA Contractor? I said hey kid I am none of that just a retired old Infantry Soldier and they had their m4 rifles and I let them inspect the little short AR-15 Pistol and I said it was classified as a pistol by BATF. I was impressed with the accuracy of the AR-15 Pistol it really shined in the prone supported and fox hole supported position. But after all these years I can still qualify EXPERT and hit 40 out of 40 targets not bad for an OLD GUY in his 60's with an AR-15 Pistol.
This is my AR-15 Pistol below.I had fun that day with the troops on the qualification course. The U.S.ARMY is coming out with a new qualification course in late 2020 it will be even harder to earn the EXPERT Rifle Badge.
My AR-15 Pistol
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Me in the '70s with the issue XM21 Rifle with ART 1 Scope
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I Like that brace on that AR-15 Pistol ! is that standard or aftermarket? if so what brand is it? I would like one for my AR-15 .223/5.56mm Pistol 10.5"Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled What Is an AR Pistol? and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/what-is-an-ar-pistol/.
6 position shoulder stocks on an AR Pistol are illegal but a 6 position brace is not.I love shooting irons have always loved shooting iron sights since I was taught or trained. My AR pistol is fun. My thing is and I think I said this in another post. They are either legal or not no in-between. Putting a 6 position stock on an AR pistol without a stamp is illegal. I like a red dot on mine. To me it’s quick and the perfect set up. I do however run BUIS in case something was to happen to my sight I could still run the gun.
It’s not illegal IF you have a stamp. That’s what I was referring to with the difference between an SBR and an AR pistol. The difference between legal and illegal. The difference between $200.00 stamp and not paying a $200.00 stamp. You can’t put a 6 position adjustable stock on an AR pistol. The brace is a 5 position.6 position shoulder stocks on an AR Pistol are illegal but a 6 position brace is not.
The dicta concerning short-barreled rifles and shotguns were included solely in the expectation that put-upon Americans would inevitably cut down their long guns in response to create handguns. Handguns were dropped prior to passage, and nobody thought to remove the short-barreled stuff.
That’s the reason you can buy a pocket pistol like a Hellcat with minimal fuss yet cutting a shotgun barrel down to 17″ is good for ten years in the big house. It was simply an administrative oversight. Yes, that is as stupid as it sounds.
This is why when I run for Emperor I will do away with all gun lawsSo if the case is true that SBRs and SBSs are simple due to an administrative oversight in forgetting to remove verbiage that should have been moot, why in the last 86 years has this not been corrected? What justification is there for allowing barrel length regulation to remain in effect, other than that sweet, sweet tax money that once passed cannot be passed up?
It would be so simple to eliminate the unnecessary, convoluted workarounds and uncertainty of future interpretation by unelected bureaucrats by simply eliminating restrictions that should have been rendered moot almost a century ago.
I want to give you what I think is the answer but I am afraid of being wrong so I will defer to one of the other more knowledgable individuals on here.I am looking at the Saint in .308 which has total overall length (OAL) in shortest configuration of 28.5". I know this is not a rifle and can have a barrel shorter then 16" but they call this a pistol. Is it really? It is not a rifle but it is my understanding this is considered an "other".
I ask because I can deer hunt in my area if it is a "Pistol". They law does not say I can use an "other".
My concern is the OAL, because 26” is mentioned in the NFA several times. I do not know what the intent of the 26” is but it appears that to be a "pistol" it must be under 26" in its shortest configuration, minus the removable muzzle break.
Is there a maximum OAL and still be defined as a pistol?