
What is your favorite gun?

I cant honestly say that I have any sort of affinity toward any gun. I am not a hobbyist or enthusiast and do not particularly care for weapons. I certainly would prefer to never carry a gun but unfortunately it does currently ( and over the past many decades) seem to be a prudent course for me personally. To that end, I will carry a gun that I feel proficient with and one that I can effectively conceal. My gun of choice is a Browning Hi Power and its clones.

Some may ask why a person who does not care much for guns would be a member of a gun board. Well, its because the process and methods of mitigating criminal danger and the efforts to maintain personal safety are often discussed on a gun board. Guns can certainly be a very important part of any self defense system and that is what I find myself most interested in. The system, processes and methodology.. not necessarily the gun itself.

Why the Browning?

Established skill
muscle memory
trained habit action
and pain ole panache .
You know, I’d forgotten my Hi Power !
I have to change my picks:
No. 1. - Hi Power
No. 1 of 1911s - my Ronin
Back in the day my ⁹/¹⁶ wrench was always in my pocket, nowadays it's a 10 & 14mm. Things change. I still have all my tools, wish I could say the same for firearms.
That's a very interesting statement there Fwf. All else being equal, I swore I would never give up any SAE sized wrench for any metric sized wrench. I hate the metric system with a passion. I hate that the metric system is being/has been forced on this country for any reason. It's not necessary, it's not required, it's not even beneficial. If I sound like an old school mechanic with really hard nosed, old school convictions, it's probably only because that's exactly what I am ..... !!!!

For many years I swore if it ever became a necessity for me to have to buy a set of metric tools in order to continue my career, or even my hobbies, I would give up the career and/or the hobbies. Folks around my neighborhood thought the world was coming to an end the day I found a 15mm bolt head on the air conditioning compressor on my Chevy truck. I threw a fit like a wild man and everyone within a 1/4 mile of my house could hear me.

I hate admitting it, but in the end I had to buy enough metric tools to get the majority of jobs done ...... there just was no other way. I hate that I was too weak to stand by my threats to hang it all up if it came to that, but I guess I realized my responsibilities to my family and my creditors was more important ................. :(:rolleyes::unsure:
That's a very interesting statement there Fwf. All else being equal, I swore I would never give up any SAE sized wrench for any metric sized wrench. I hate the metric system with a passion. I hate that the metric system is being/has been forced on this country for any reason. It's not necessary, it's not required, it's not even beneficial. If I sound like an old school mechanic with really hard nosed, old school convictions, it's probably only because that's exactly what I am ..... !!!!

For many years I swore if it ever became a necessity for me to have to buy a set of metric tools in order to continue my career, or even my hobbies, I would give up the career and/or the hobbies. Folks around my neighborhood thought the world was coming to an end the day I found a 15mm bolt head on the air conditioning compressor on my Chevy truck. I threw a fit like a wild man and everyone within a 1/4 mile of my house could hear me.

I hate admitting it, but in the end I had to buy enough metric tools to get the majority of jobs done ...... there just was no other way. I hate that I was too weak to stand by my threats to hang it all up if it came to that, but I guess I realized my responsibilities to my family and my creditors was more important ................. :(:rolleyes::unsure:
Metric tools are like soccer. They’ve been pushing it on us since the ‘70s when I was a teenager. Both were supposed to be the next big thing. And they have slowly been creeping into our lives. I’m with you Joe. Don’t really like it, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
Metric tools are like soccer. They’ve been pushing it on us since the ‘70s when I was a teenager. Both were supposed to be the next big thing. And they have slowly been creeping into our lives. I’m with you Joe. Don’t really like it, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
Ok, I’m going to have to break it to you - the rest of the entire world uses metrics and the sun rises and sets just like everywhere else. And as for the soccer - it’s not called The Beautiful Game the world over for no reason. Come at me with your 7/16 inch wrenches you crusty old timers! 😀😎😇
I like all of my guns, if I decide I no longer like a gun - I sell or trade it.

I have a few favorites, and my most recent favorite is a Daewoo K1A1
Pretty nice!

Dont need a 7/16, I can get by with an 11.😉
"An 11 what"? What is an 11? Is it something just under a 12? Or is it something just over a 10? Who the hell knows, it's simply an 11 !!! BTW, I know what a 7/16 is when I hear it !!! ;);)(y)(y)(y)

I'm gonna guess that it's just an alternative wrench size for the 7/16", much like the 13 is an alternative to the 1/2". But therein lies the truth ..... both are just alternatives to the real thing. Y'all know what this "crusty old timer" is sayin', now don't ya'? C'mon now, admit it. :p:D
My favorite firearm is an M1 Garand my dad gave me.

The lines of that rifle just speak to me. It is a blast to shoot and I love just picking it up out of the safe and holding it.
NFL, bunch of overpaid pansies. Pieces of $h!t , gonna kneel during the national anthem. They outta be standing at full attention thanking God they were born in this beautiful misguided country. Nowhere else in the world could they earn what they do for what they do.
Sorry, I know I got off topic, but the NFL just sucks( just like soccer)
"An 11 what"? What is an 11? Is it something just under a 12? Or is it something just over a 10? Who the hell knows, it's simply an 11 !!! BTW, I know what a 7/16 is when I hear it !!! ;);)(y)(y)(y)

I'm gonna guess that it's just an alternative wrench size for the 7/16", much like the 13 is an alternative to the 1/2". But therein lies the truth ..... both are just alternatives to the real thing. Y'all know what this "crusty old timer" is sayin', now don't ya'? C'mon now, admit it. :p:D
Hi Joe,
I get yah on US SAE verses Metrics mm's. Can drive sanity from most anyone? Then, at the time, Brit's Royal standards too? After all that, finding an actual complete full set of metric anything tools can also be wrenching? - Yes, bad pun?

Not that it matters much anymore, but heard Nixon signed that #@%&@ law into place.
Impeached? Likely should've been hung out to dry more than most people realized?
NFL, bunch of overpaid pansies. Pieces of $h!t , gonna kneel during the national anthem. They outta be standing at full attention thanking God they were born in this beautiful misguided country. Nowhere else in the world could they earn what they do for what they do.
Sorry, I know I got off topic, but the NFL just sucks( just like soccer)
Well, my favorite gun is probably one of my two Pythons even though I've never shot either one of them. I have shot many "Colts" though and judging from all those collectively, I'm certain I'd like the "Pythons". I love the actions of both my "Trooper's" which I've shot many, many times and recognize they aren't even in the same ballpark as the "Pythons".

Now, as much as I'd like to agree with you on the quote above, I have to make a distinction. It's not necessarily the NFL, nor Soccer that sucks, it's really the actions of some of the players that sucks. It makes me sick to see how those misguided misfits show such disrespect to our nation by disrespecting our 'National Anthem' and 'National Emblem' of stars and stripes. Certainly if they feel a societal issue being so wrong, they should work to correct it, but to show disrespect for the very nation that has provided them the right to show that disrespect is simply not right.

Yes, to all/any who would disagree with this ..... I know they have the right to show that disrespect, but they should have the good sense and appreciation to not do it. I learned that lesson myself one night while on a big night out on the town

..... Was detained by two local LEO's, both who told me several times I had the right to remain silent ..... unfortunately I didn't have the good sense to do that. :D ;)