
What is your torque limiter of choice and why?

Great info, much respect to you all.
A little background for my original question. my Prodigy is back at SA because the AOS plate keeps coming loose around 150 rounds. The SRO remains rock solid to the plate. (And yes Bassbob, I shamefully admit there is blue on both). The manual states 25 in-lb plate to slide, when re installing with a new plate, and new screws that SA customer service sent (no charge) after I explained issue, niether screw would reach 15 in-lb before spinning free in slide. The screws are not stripped out, they seem to be pulling past the threads in the hole, as if the hole is not the 6-48 that the screws are. I am very confident that SA will go above and beyond to make it right. Wanted to make sure I was using the correct tool to measure torque.
Wheeler FAT Wrench all day.

@SL66 I had the same issue with my AOS Plate. DPP was on plate rock solid, but plate kept coming loose from slide.
Recently had the gunsmith at my shop set it for me, with a bit of loctite this time. So far two trips about 300 rounds and has not come loose yet. I hope this is the fix, otherwise I gotta liquidate this thing and turn it into a Staccato.
Wheeler FAT Wrench all day.

@SL66 I had the same issue with my AOS Plate. DPP was on plate rock solid, but plate kept coming loose from slide.
Recently had the gunsmith at my shop set it for me, with a bit of loctite this time. So far two trips about 300 rounds and has not come loose yet. I hope this is the fix, otherwise I gotta liquidate this thing and turn it into a Staccato.
I am right there with you brother!
Wheeler Fat Wrench.

Vortex actually states to not use oil or any type of thread locker on the rings because that lubricity will not give you an accurate inch pounds reading. In other words íf the rings call for 16-18 inch pound of torque you will exceed that and over torque.
This is true for all things, not just optics or Vortex optics. The torque ratings, unless otherwise stated, are for clean and dry. Any liquid, including Loc-tite, will lube the screws. If my memory serves me, the Loc-Tite rep said 8-10% reduction in torque value if not dry.
get a digital and no worries about lines! what the digital doesn't do is "break" when hitting limit as you need to watch the display CAREFULLY. fix-it sticks is more of a torsion type, which works as well as non. fix-it's doesn't "break" when hitting limits also on the multi-range type (i have a few).

for compatibility the fix-it is the way to go

lyman & vevor also has an adjustable screwdriver type, but unsure is it "breaks" or not?

beam type are fast and easy to use, but lack the compactness.

click/break type to me is the best on getting the "more precise" measurement than wheeler, fix-it or other type similar to those (mechanic choice).