
What knives do you daily carry?

I carry this new Cold Steel Crawford ...
My old beat to hell Benchmade Infidel. My wife got it for my birthday present about four years ago. They do keep an edge very well and I've used it for just about anything you can think of around the house or at work.


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Back in this thread ( https://www.thearmorylife.com/forum/threads/show-off-your-every-day-carry.177/page-2#post-9640 ), I showed my Gerber Crucial multitool (swap-out with a Leatherman Freestyle CX during the workdays) and Spyderco Waved Delica.

I've had the Crucial since early 2012, and the Leatherman close to a year longer than that. Both are well-loved and have served be well in many daily tasks, both routine and unexpected.

I've carried the Delica for the last 7+ years. I'd like a fixed-blade or even a larger folder, but Ohio's patchwork knife-laws are a nightmare, and this keeps me on the good side of it. Waving the folder is something that I've been used to since I started fancying Emersons in the early-oughts, and I've been able to validate technique in a few integrated combatives classes in that time. The Delica replaced an old insignia'ed Terzuola Starmate from c.2000, which I ghetto-(zip-tie)-Waved and still occasionally carry -that it's so thin and light makes it perfect for slipping into even the thinnest dress-pants pocket, staged and fully hidden from view inside a DeSantis MagPacker- which was my EDC counterpart to an old PE Ti C46 Lum Tanto which I'd also ghett-Waved and used in a number of knife classes for live-cutting.

The form-factor of the Delica -small, light, and unobtrusive- combined with the availability of a trainer and relatively low cost makes it almost the perfect EDC for me. :) I've yet to be tempted to replace it.