
What SA firearm did Hans buy?

Range time.

It was really, really wIndy(gusts over 30mph)...to the point targets would get torn off the backer in the time you’d walk back to the line.

But, there’s a full sized steel silhouette out there, and I was able to get several solid hits on it (went 5 for 5 with the last mag). I’ll do some accuracy work on a calmer day.

Ammo was some PMC 147gr .308, some of that Portuguese surplus battlepak...I did a break in regimen with the first 20 shots, as well (shoot 1, clean x3, shoot 3, clean x3, shoot 10 and clean).

Gonna load up some 168smk's, see how they do.

That's six shots...two at 3:00.

25yds, but I seem to recall that will put me slightly (2”?) over at 100...other folks were using the 100yd line, but I nailed the steel silhouette at the 150 dead center, offhand, 4 out of 4 shots, so...I think it'll do.