
What would you like to see Springfield armory make next?

For me a XDM-Mod2 would be at the top of the list. I am not sure if they can do interchangeable back-straps thought and since these are being used as competition guns that might be a challenge for some (but I want it :). Second would be a pistol based carbine. Third would be a Springfield XD-Mod2 - 22 (my Mod2 guns are too short for the 22 conversion) and I don't have a XDM in the the stable per #1.
I would like to see either a nice accurate XD/Xdm in 22lr or a dedicated accurate 22 lr 1911 or heck both . Both should have adjustable sights. Why should we as S/A customers have to settle for either a Taurus, Ruger, Smith & Wesson or one of the boutique built pistols. You have the knowledge and the Smiths to do so. I have a XDM 5.25 Comp that was tuned up by you guys. Even though it was just a competition trigger job I had done it shoots fantastic and continues to amaze anyone that shoots it. Thanks for allowing our input and I’m sure we all are starting to squirrel away some cash for our dream S/A pistol.
What about a DP or a Sko-12


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Crazy. I was just thinking of this question myself and wishing that SA had a PCC with a decent selection of calibers. I am intrigued by a previous suggestion of a .45 PCC accepting 1911 mags.

I also think the suggestion of good .22s has merit XDs or rifles could be quite the option. Def. 2nd the notion of don't limit a .22 to 10 rounds.
“Tanker” engraved on the charging handle of the..........Tanker! I know that’s not a new firearm but it’s always bothered me why it wasn’t done.
I would like to see a Saint Victor in 308 with an 18 inch barrel that was geared towards longer range accuracy. An optics ready AR platform to complete with (and beat) the M&P10!
I'd like to see them make a Short Reset Trigger kit and dual adjustable trigger for the XDE. Like I've got in my 2 Sig P220s, got the Reset trigger kit from Sig and got the dual adjustable straight triggers one from Grayguns and the other from Autocraft and it makes a world of difference. But my XDE is fun to shoot mines in .45 and at 10 yds my groups are 4 inches