
What’s your Favorite Reloading Press?


Master Class
I reload Pistol calibers only. I swear by Dillon Precision. I have two 650’s and 3 Square Deals. What’s your Favorite reloading press?


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I have been using the same dillon square deal since 1987 to reload 38/357 9mm and 45acp. I'll bet there is well over 100k through this press. Customer service is second to none. If i wore out a part I just give them a call and its replaced in a matter of a few days. They really stand behind their lifetime warranty.
I’ve had too many to list. Going through them there was something less than desirable about each one. Over the years I sold and gave away a pile of presses.

I purchased the Lee Classic Cast Turret press when it was first released and I still find it to be the most convenient to use consistent quality producing press I’ve had.

Turns out I’m a handloading junky.

I have at least a half dozen presses of various colors still in use.
There's little argument about the quality of the Dillon, and typically the RCBS presses are right close up there as well. However, for me I've found the Dillon to be over-engineered and over priced for the job they do .... reload ammo. The RCBS's are more reasonably engineered and far more reasonably priced for the job they do ..... reload ammo.

Then there are several others that fill a unique gap for those who are turned off by the high prices (and sometimes proprietary parts and supplies) of the Dillon and still only reload ammo. The RCBS's and other mid-range presses are probably by far the title holder (at least in numbers) of the reloading activities equipment since there are so many choices and prices are generally much less than the Dillon and far less proprietary issues, but still all they do is reload ammo.

I've used some of all of them over about 40 years+/- of reloading and have had good to excellent results with all of them. I've also had on occasion bad to absolutely terrible results with some of the same ones. My experience is pretty extensive as in the early to mid 80's through the late 90's to early 2000's, I averaged around 15K +/- rounds per year. I'm still reloading but not nearly to those numbers.

And when it was all said and done, my all time, #1 preferred press is the Lee Classic Turret press, and all it does is reload ammo too. Now it's not the fastest nor the most productive time wise, it won't come close to Dillon or some other progressive presses for production numbers, but it's one of the most consistent presses I ever used. And back when I was doing lots and lots of competition, I was absolutely anal about my competition loads. I more than once would compare a particular load recipe at every stage including the final weight of every round from various presses. I also found the ease of set-up, use and training others to use it was as simple as any, and simpler than many others.

I've also used the older Lee 3 hole turret press for many years before the Classic came about and still have the first one I ever bought over 40 years ago ..... probably around 1982. It still produces extremely close tolerance ammo after all these years and many, many thousands of rounds. Now both turret presses have been almost exclusively used for pistol rounds. I also used for many years an early version of the Lee 'O' frame press for my hunting rifle and long gun competition loads, then moved up to the newer 'O' frame breech lock press when it came out. And although neither of the 'O' frames loaded nearly as many rounds as the two turret presses, they were every bit as accurate and consistent at the end as at the beginning of their lives. Again, I'll admit to being totally anal about the long gun loads. I won't go into detail describing some of the most infinitesimal checks, mods, and comparisons I sometimes did, but there were many.

Personally I think "Lee"Precision has some of, if not the most innovative designs on the market, especially their carbide dies. And for the money, absolutely cannot be beat. I've already said there are other brands very good to excellent, but the question was "What's your favorite ......". Hands down when all the dust has settled, my favorite brand of equipment is "Lee" across the board. And besides all that I've mentioned above, their manufacturer's color is RED!
I don't know anyone who shoots a lot that uses a Rock Chucker for their reloaded rounds. If they do use one, it is for load development or rifle reloads and not copious amounts of ammo. I know of some law enforcement units that use Dillon products to supply their practice ammo. See if those who regularly shoot IDPA, Steel Challenge or other competitions whether they use a single stage press. A small percentage may use a Lee turret or progressive press, but if they have the funds they won't willingly stay with them. YMMV