
When Japanese Balloon Bombs Struck America

"Several Fu-Go came down as far to the east as Michigan." I'm pretty confident that at least one made it as far as New York State. One of my former colleagues - long since retired - told me a story about hunting in the woods somewhere in New York during WWII. (He had a defense industry job in Rochester, NY, which included fabricating optical components for Norden bomb sights.) He came upon some metallic objects in a small burned out area, with big swatches of some kind of fabric and lines hanging down from the trees. Obviously some kind of fire had been set, but the woods at the time were too wet for it to spread. He had no idea what it was until - after the war - he read about the balloon bombs. He tried to retrace his steps, but he never did find it again.
I'm a lifelong student of the WW2 Pacific Theater but learned much about this fascinating chapter on Japan's desperation. It is well-written, takes only a few minutes and has plenty of new information. I hope the now-defunct BLM and other race based organizations don't capitalize on the fact that only the "Triple-Nickel" Parachute Infantry Battalion was used to combat any forest fires. These men did a job most of us wouldn't dare to try.
This excellent article contains some information and photos I have not seen before. I would like to know his sources. The author implies that the Balloon Bomb somehow knew when it was over the United States to drop its weapons. My understanding is that Ballon went into self-destruct mode when the last sandbags were dropped.