
When will control get back too normal?

Seems to be a good place to drop this ...

Regardless of whether gang members are Black, White, young or old if you can't do the time then don't do the crime!
Seems to be a good place to drop this ...

You don't have to step in :poop: to know it is! If they reduce/release/deny then they (the criminals) should move in with those idiots that pass/propose those kind of bills/laws!
As soon as a lawmaker gets caught in a drive by they might rethink their stance on that, but then its west coast so who knows. Just like the effort in California to not prosecute juveniles, when criminals get word that there will be no real penalty for the crimes they commit any semi intelligent person should be able to reason that crime will only get worse. Chicago has a no chase policy because of the damage done in high speed chases. Pretty sure crime in Chicago is not going down so lets see how reducing the penalties goes for these areas. Same can be said for defunding the police, when you decide you need help, who do you turn to? Maybe Joe will post his cell phone number and they can call him directly!
As soon as a lawmaker gets caught in a drive by they might rethink their stance on that, but then its west coast so who knows. Just like the effort in California to not prosecute juveniles, when criminals get word that there will be no real penalty for the crimes they commit any semi intelligent person should be able to reason that crime will only get worse. Chicago has a no chase policy because of the damage done in high speed chases. Pretty sure crime in Chicago is not going down so lets see how reducing the penalties goes for these areas. Same can be said for defunding the police, when you decide you need help, who do you turn to? Maybe Joe will post his cell phone number and they can call him directly!
St. Louis has the same no chase policy. We routinely lead the country in murders per capita.
St. Louis has the same no chase policy. We routinely lead the country in murders per capita.
I'm not to far from New Orleans. If you turn the local news on any day of the week you have at LEAST several, drivebys, stabbings, ECT. But the good news is that the great city of NO is removing civil war statues and changing offensive street signs so the people that do survive won't be offended.
I'm not to far from New Orleans. If you turn the local news on any day of the week you have at LEAST several, drivebys, stabbings, ECT. But the good news is that the great city of NO is removing civil war statues and changing offensive street signs so the people that do survive won't be offended.
Trust me when I say, they will continue to find things to be "offended" at.
Will we rewrite history to be sure we are NEVER going to offend anyone while teaching history?
I'm offended that they are going out of their way to erase history right or wrong it is history. We cannot just ignore it and make it go away.
Does anyone care that I'm offended? Hell no! I'm just automatically labeled a racist.
Trust me when I say, they will continue to find things to be "offended" at.
Will we rewrite history to be sure we are NEVER going to offend anyone while teaching history?
I'm offended that they are going out of their way to erase history right or wrong it is history. We cannot just ignore it and make it go away.
Does anyone care that I'm offended? Hell no! I'm just automatically labeled a racist.
Japanese history for years were teaching young ones that we (USA) started war with them. Later they (Japan) changed it as in they (Japan) were the instigators. Wright or wrong for lack of any reasoning it'll change?
So, i see this on my news feed today. Normally, I wouldn't waste 2 seconds on anything from national propaganda radio, but the headline grabbed me. I'll let you all decide where this fits.
So, i see this on my news feed today. Normally, I wouldn't waste 2 seconds on anything from national propaganda radio, but the headline grabbed me. I'll let you all decide where this fits.
Talk is meaningless, so let actions speak louder than words! This country was and has been on a time limit anyway!
Well, i know you Texans are all about secession. You can't be Yoko, and break up the band. There's no "United " without all the states.
I think the thing I appreciated most from the article was, teaching our history and civics. Some kids these days don't know what a World War is, who was involved or the costs. All todays kids think about is getting high, a free ride and "what can I get upset about today." Only very few mentor a child or young adult anymore. Parents are so caught up with keeping their kids in a bubble, it becomes a trophy. Look, my offspring is this or that, aren't I a good parent? But their kid has no common sense, can't count change, doesn't want to drive, afraid of it's own shadow and possibly has an underdeveloped immune system, not to mention allergic to everything under the sun, including the sun. We, collectively, have raised a nation of whiners and the Communist countries couldn't be happier. We have elevated "rights and personal liberties" to be above the national interest. When our military begins playing 'inclusion' we have lost. Our enemies don't cow down to special interest groups, they execute them. They don't have hearings and special committees for this or that, but we do. While we sit here and b!tch back and forth about little Jimmy's right to have green hair, wear a dress and use the women's facilities, our enemies become stronger. I don't know how far down the rabbit hole we're going to make it before we turn this ship around. I hope we figure it out soon. For all our sakes, especially the future Americans