
When will control get back too normal?

Well, i know you Texans are all about secession. You can't be Yoko, and break up the band. There's no "United " without all the states.
I think the thing I appreciated most from the article was, teaching our history and civics. Some kids these days don't know what a World War is, who was involved or the costs. All todays kids think about is getting high, a free ride and "what can I get upset about today." Only very few mentor a child or young adult anymore. Parents are so caught up with keeping their kids in a bubble, it becomes a trophy. Look, my offspring is this or that, aren't I a good parent? But their kid has no common sense, can't count change, doesn't want to drive, afraid of it's own shadow and possibly has an underdeveloped immune system, not to mention allergic to everything under the sun, including the sun. We, collectively, have raised a nation of whiners and the Communist countries couldn't be happier. We have elevated "rights and personal liberties" to be above the national interest. When our military begins playing 'inclusion' we have lost. Our enemies don't cow down to special interest groups, they execute them. They don't have hearings and special committees for this or that, but we do. While we sit here and b!tch back and forth about little Jimmy's right to have green hair, wear a dress and use the women's facilities, our enemies become stronger. I don't know how far down the rabbit hole we're going to make it before we turn this ship around. I hope we figure it out soon. For all our sakes, especially the future Americans
This sounds like what every older generation has said about younger generations since Hammurabi scratched on clay…
But doesn't it look like we're reaching a tipping point where we can't return from?
And yes, I sound a lot like my grandfather, when he b!tched about the long-haired hippies.
Well, it’ll likely be the older generations that actually push us over the edge, as they’re the ones that wield the power.

So, yeah…it’s gonna be more of an “OK, Boomer” event than “those darn kids!”.
For those 9 to 5 40 hours/week turns into 7 to 9 turns into 70+ hours/week not including transportation time it takes a lot of time away from parenting! Now the weekends turn into work days without overtime, because you need the job children get unsupervised and/or left maybe to a sitter? I have these seasonal hours and don't work for anyone, but myself! At times I did have 48 and 60 hour work days straight work! Somehow my kids made it without being bad kids! They know right from wrong and how too be leaders without being coerced the wrong direction.
For those 9 to 5 40 hours/week turns into 7 to 9 turns into 70+ hours/week not including transportation time it takes a lot of time away from parenting! Now the weekends turn into work days without overtime, because you need the job children get unsupervised and/or left maybe to a sitter? I have these seasonal hours and don't work for anyone, but myself! At times I did have 48 and 60 hour work days straight work! Somehow my kids made it without being bad kids! They know right from wrong and how too be leaders without being coerced the wrong direction.
Good parenting means so much, sometimes it’s not so much how much time you spend with them it’s being consistent when your with them. You come across as a great dad and a good man.
Quality time by far outweighs quantity of time. 100 hrs a week of bad parenting doesn't outweigh 20 hrs a week of decent parenting. I had children at a young age, 2 by the age of 20, but teaching right from wrong, work ethic and decent manners doesn't take a lifetime, it takes a little time everyday until it has been ingrained. Does this always work? Obviously nothing always works. Most parents of serial killers don't start their children with killing small animals in the neighborhood but still they end up bad. If you have some common sense, a term which I rarely use these days since it has become uncommon, it doesn't have to be a 15 hour a day job. It should be fun to spend time with your children, teaching them and learning from them as you go.
Sorry if this has drifted off topic.