
Where Were You on September 12, 2001?

Was retired from military working at Ford dealership. One of the service writers called me on the phone to come up by them. He said look at this and there on the tv a plane was crashing into the second tower. I knew at that point the world had changed.
I woke up to the usual daily radio alarm and listened while in bed to the tragic reporting and then got up and turned to the tv news channel, watching the chaos as I readied for work. I traveled via the expressway downtown with the Chicago skyline in crystal clear postcard view.

Although perfect weather, it was an ominous view of the magnificent skyscrapers of very size and color after watching the NYC tragedy on the tv.
Aircraft traffic usually flies in from the east over Lake Michigan and is prominently in view most days. Nothing was in the air, not a jet or a sound as it was just yesterday when they could be heard overhead every minute heading to O’Hare or Midway Airport. Vehicle traffic was the normal morning rush congested crawl, looking around I wondered how many others may or may not know what had just happened hours ago as they commuted along.

Just listened to the opening of the The Great One, Mark Levin Show and he’s been re-airing some of the air traffic controller and NYFD radio communications, as he’s done for years.
It’s gut wrenching, emotional and inspiring each and every time.

Never Forget.
Sept 11.
I was working in a machine shop in Colorado Springs. The management knew but they didn't tell the employees on the shop floor because they wanted production.

The first inkling I had was when one of the janitors told me we should pray for the victims of the "terrorist attack".

While I was asking her what the hell she was talking about my supervisor came up and out of nowhere asked me how much notice the National Guard would give me should I happen to be recalled active duty. I thought that was an oddly specific question but I told him I had no idea because it had never happened before.

Still no clue.

About 20 minutes later my boss came back over to my machine and said "Sergeant Morford you have a phone call at the front desk.

My first thought was that it must be an emergency because we were NEVER allowed to take personal phone calls at work.

While I was walking up to take the phone call it occurred to me that my supervisor had no idea what my rank in the National Guard was and why the Hell was he addressing me as "Sergeant"?

I picked up the phone and the acting first sergeant said to me "Sergeant Morford this is SSG Fisher. You have been recalled active duty you have one hour to report to the armory in uniform. This is not a drill."

I hung up the phone, turned to my supervisor and said "Now we know how much time they'll give me. I've been recalled to active duty. I have to leave."

I still didn't know what the hell was going on. I don't think anybody actually told me until I got to the Armory

Sept 12
National Guard Armory in Colorado Springs .

Being briefed on a mission guarding Airports in Colorado.
Sept 11.
I was working in a machine shop in Colorado Springs. The management knew but they didn't tell the employees on the shop floor because they wanted production.

The first inkling I had was when one of the janitors told me we should pray for the victims of the "terrorist attack".

While I was asking her what the hell she was talking about my supervisor came up and out of nowhere asked me how much notice the National Guard would give me should I happen to be recalled active duty. I thought that was an oddly specific question but I told him I had no idea because it had never happened before.

Still no clue.

About 20 minutes later my boss came back over to my machine and said "Sergeant Morford you have a phone call at the front desk.

My first thought was that it must be an emergency because we were NEVER allowed to take personal phone calls at work.

While I was walking up to take the phone call it occurred to me that my supervisor had no idea what my rank in the National Guard was and why the Hell was he addressing me as "Sergeant"?

I picked up the phone and the acting first sergeant said to me "Sergeant Morford this is SSG Fisher. You have been recalled active duty you have one hour to report to the armory in uniform. This is not a drill."

I hung up the phone, turned to my supervisor and said "Now we know how much time they'll give me. I've been recalled to active duty. I have to leave."

I still didn't know what the hell was going on. I don't think anybody actually told me until I got to the Armory

Sept 12
National Guard Armory in Colorado Springs .

Being briefed on a mission guarding Airports in Colorado.
Tuesday Sept 11th I was at home on a day off from my agency catching up myS quads training records of all things funny timing (I was a Squad Leader in the 181st Security Forces Squadron Indiana ANG) noticed the news of the first tower then watched the second plane hit.

Phone rang soon after and I was activated for 4 days as we put our F16’s on alert and had 2 flying continuous CAP over Chicago and escort AF1 back from Offut later that day.

Went off orders them was activated for a year and deployed at the end of September.
What would have changed if they told us?
Not a blessed thing. Just seems to me when your country is under physical attack you have the right to know. If you don't care, no fur off my tail. If it had been me, the Managment and I would have had a come to Jessus meeting. Yup I most likely would have been told not to darken their door again and find a new job. Done that before and always ended up the better.