You kill me beltMy Hi Point is so heavy i have to lean against a tree or use a rest.
You kill me beltMy Hi Point is so heavy i have to lean against a tree or use a rest.
Should I tuck in my roll before dropping?Don't forget to tuck also when rolling
No, just use it like an airbagShould I tuck in my roll before dropping?
Duck, tuck and cover !!!Don't forget to tuck also when rolling
Don't be surprised if you "miss" more than normal. You're not really "missing," it's just a point of impact change caused by the different dynamics of the two stances.Weaver. Never thought about isosceles. I was always told spread the feet and lean forward a little to control the recoil.
Maybe I'll try isosceles next trip to the range ... that will be tomorrow.
Thanks. Promise, I won't get upset. As I get older the eyes don't focus as well and the hands (fingers) aren't as nimble as they use to be, so bad shooting can happen on any day.Don't be surprised if you "miss" more than normal. You're not really "missing," it's just a point of impact change caused by the different dynamics of the two stances.
This MIGHT happen to you, and it might NOT. Just be aware that it CAN happen, and don't be surprised or get upset if it does.![]()
Uh… you can’t hold a rifle in an isosceles stance. Not even you.Blended.
Also depends if I have a rifle in my hand or pistol.
Believe it or not, somewhere along the line in my half-century shooting career, I did learn an "isoscoles" long gun stance.
Could be either Very Smart or Extremely Stupid, depending on the circumstances. In most cases it would be the latter, but I can think of at least one circumstance where it might be the former.What do they call it when you're running and shooting over your shoulder trying to get to your rifle.....?
Me too!!! What are the chances?!A highly modified, strategised isoscleweaver hybrid stance. I think.
And tuck before zipping. Very important.Don't forget to tuck also when rolling
You made a typo. Your post indicates you have only 1 Hi Point, and everyone here knows that's complete BS.My Hi Point is so heavy i have to lean against a tree or use a rest.
French ??What do they call it when you're running and shooting over your shoulder trying to get to your rifle.....?
The Rittenhouse?What do they call it when you're running and shooting over your shoulder trying to get to your rifle.....?