
whoopie, imma gonna get blasted...!!


my doctor's office called a few minutes ago. i have to go monday july 1st, to get my kidney stone blasted..!! (1 @ about 8mm)

whoopie, i get to be on "sleepy-happy juice" and then wake up to the sounds of crashing trays and surgical instruments.

they are going to send me orders for an EKG, and blood work as well...lucky for me, next friday, i have my yearly exam, and hopefully my primary doc, can do the EKG for me.

here is one pic of "some stones" over time, i had blasted......the larger ones..?? came out on thier own..!!!!!

this pic is from april of 2018, but i don't have the date when this blasting was done.

my doctor's office called a few minutes ago. i have to go monday july 1st, to get my kidney stone blasted..!! (1 @ about 8mm)

whoopie, i get to be on "sleepy-happy juice" and then wake up to the sounds of crashing trays and surgical instruments.

they are going to send me orders for an EKG, and blood work as well...lucky for me, next friday, i have my yearly exam, and hopefully my primary doc, can do the EKG for me.

here is one pic of "some stones" over time, i had blasted......the larger ones..?? came out on thier own..!!!!!

this pic is from april of 2018, but i don't have the date when this blasting was done.

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Hope all goes ok!
Been there, done that......3 times over 40 years
Going to get my ear blasted Monday.
No complaints, I'm upright and breathing !
yeah frankly, i cannot recall how many other times i have had this done...but "best guess" would be, this is going to be #3

first time..??

14 stones in the left kidney...THAT i remember.

the other time, left kidney as well...

this time?

right side.
Ugh, good luck to you. In the not too distant past, I had to have lithotripsy on both sides (about a year apart). After that I’ve managed to only get small, passable ones here and there. Urologist insisted I try to pass that second one before doing the lithotripsy…so I got a urethra stent implanted for four months before he gave up waiting. Sucked very much, thank you 😂.
A couple of years ago they discovered I had a marble sized stone partially blocking the entrance to my bladder. It never gave me any trouble, but no way that monster was gonna pass. Doc had to go in, cut it up with a laser and pull out the individual pieces. :eek:
Thankfully, I was out cold for the whole thing. (y)
A couple of years ago they discovered I had a marble sized stone partially blocking the entrance to my bladder. It never gave me any trouble, but no way that monster was gonna pass. Doc had to go in, cut it up with a laser and pull out the individual pieces. :eek:
Thankfully, I was out cold for the whole thing. (y)
oh you know it
my last tube up to the bladder bore scope was flat PAINFULLLLLLLLLLL
i want gas next time
thing is too, there are many variables as to why we get them, from foods we eat, to not drinking enough water.

i told my doctor flat out, the chart you gave me, confuses me. on one page, "don't eat these"...on another page..."these are ok to eat"...

and there-in lies the problem, "some foods" are on BOTH lists..!!

then as for drinking water, i have mentioned a time or 2, that i am a diabetic, and one would think i am always thirsty...far from it for me.

i know i do not drink enough water, i cannot stand it. i drink fruit drinks, lemonade, teas, coffee, etc, not plain water.

but for all i do drink, i am told water is the best.

it's like (to me), eating a baloney sammich 3 times a day.......BORING.....

so the way i look at it....if i get stones, at the very least, i am keeping the "blaster machine guys" employed.....!!!!
just got a call from the Kidney blasting doctor's office

i go next monday, as i already knew.

the gal told me of my co-pay, that i have to pay up front..


if pathology does thier thing, there "might be" a co-pay too

the anesthesiologist, "might" hit me with a co-pay as well

both of those will send me bills later

i may very well NOT take the stones to the doctor for the pathologist to examine.

to me, what's the use of doing so? they are either one type of stone, or another

like i'm gonna stop eating things? i already cannot have dairy, sweets, peanut butter, various nuts, starchy foods,

like WTF do i give up..???
well today is the day.

last night, i had my last morsel of food...several high sugary cookies, so my sugar level does not drop while i sleep.

and a glass of water.

i got up at my usual time of 4:40, had my BP meds only, and a small glass of water. that's all i am allowed.

the wife got up even before me, which she did not have to, but she did.

she can have breakfast.....but all she made was coffee and toast.....bless her heart, she didn't want me to smell anything other than that in the kitchen.

i am looking forward to this, i slept VERY well last night, so much so, i actually had nice dreams, not my usual nightmares...now THAT was strange.

since i been thru this a time or 2, (i dunno, i think this is #3,?), i know i will be sleepy once i get back home...good thing too, it's going to be a cool day, so no a/c will be needed.

thanks...we are back..
actually we got back about 9:30 or so, but i got right to dismantling an old chair, and the wife made me some breakfast....as i was doing that

yeah, i got to work, pretty much when i got out of the car, and she was ticked off that i was more concerned about taking care of the work, than i was about my procedure...lol

she even said that if i go in for a heart transplant someday, she's gonna make me go alone, and drive back home by myself....since i can't stay away from getting busy..

the NERVE of that woman...!!!!!

all i gotta do now is "p" into a strainer cup, to catch what ever stone fragments come out

oh joy, now i got another "job" to do, hopefully i ain't sleepy, tryin' to hold that cup.!

and i don't care, tomorrow, i am taking my P320 and maybe 2 boxes of my recent 9mm reloads to the club....

i earned that much, after the HELL, HELL i say i went thru today........ :LOL:
LOL, glad it went okay! I’ve had it done a couple times as well. I have to have X-rays and doplar done now every six months or so to make sure a big one isn’t forming. I pass small ones pretty frequent.
I had a bunch of testing done years ago and my urologist at the time told me to stop drinking tea immediately.
I quit drinking tea for years but still continued developing stones. No more pathology for me.