And why do you think that is?For me personally it's because there are very few .357 or .44 Magnum semi autos.![]()
And why do you think that is?
It’s a serious question.
Was a good movie, to bad underneath it all, he was anti gun.....Everyone was afraid to go swim in the ocean and everyone wanted a .357 or .44.
the good ole days ...
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And why do you think that is?
It’s a serious question.
Nice revolvers, I have always had a weakness for single actions myself.View attachment 10169
I like the Singles better than the Doubles
I got this .22lr Heritage Rough Rider for my 12yo son a few weeks ago for short money and I picked up some new “We The People" engraved walnut grips & .22mag cylinder for it today. He loves classic guns such as revolvers and lever actions.
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To me it’s about the right tool for the job. A well made revolver is a beautiful thing and I carry them exclusively in the woods. Even as far as semi automatic pistols I prefer steel with exposed hammers. But on a day to day basis working in a violent, urban atmosphere which prompts me to outfit myself with body armor the right tool for the job is one of the polymer semi autos.My 14 year-old is one of the few kids his age who prefers revolvers to semi-autos. He plays all of the popular online shooters with his friends, and loves the AR and AK platforms for long guns. However, he's never been too impressed by polymer pistols. Academically, he is an engineering a nerd, and he appreciates revolvers from a mechanical standpoint. I have to agree with him that it is cool to be able to observe so many of the firearm's components in action when firing a revolver with an exposed hammer, as compared to the fully encased components of semi-autos.
Personally I have 2 revolvers I love them both one reason being ive never had a malfunction of any kind. I also believe that a 38 special is a great choice for newer gun owners. The other reason for revolvers is its a lot harder to get the larger rounds like s&w 500 into a semi-auto