
Why ? Russia, China


Founding Member
Why do we put up with this.. retort. Dump their A$$ in the ocean . Carry a big stick.
I’m sorry “you lost another aircraft to technical malfunction”

The bully needs his a$$ beat

Why do we put up with this.. retort. Dump their A$$ in the ocean . Carry a big stick.
I’m sorry “you lost another aircraft to technical malfunction”

The bully needs his a$$ beat

nothing that a few seconds from the M61 Vulcan can't handle.
Why do we put up with this.. retort. Dump their A$$ in the ocean . Carry a big stick.
I’m sorry “you lost another aircraft to technical malfunction”

The bully needs his a$$ beat

Well, look who the commander in chief is.
Well, look who the commander in chief is.
It happened during the previous administration as well…

It happened during the previous administration as well…

Off the coast of the US ? And Trump just ignored it and pretended it never happened ?
Putin is trying to create an international incident that will justify him dragging the US and other countries into a broader conflict. He also wants to see an end to the NATO Alliance.
Let’s face it…… both Russia and China as well as all terrorist organizations are watching our political leaders fight like children and are sitting back and waiting for us to implode.
Our military can and will only do what they are ordered to do and we have an administration who is weak/incompetent and incapable of dealing with our own boarders let alone international air space.
Way beyond a slippery slope.
I'm going to show my age here but years ago when we won the hockey game in the olympics we painted an F-4 with a cross stick emblem with US and Russian flag with the score on it. When we went up on intercept and they saw that emblem my pilot told me they flashed him the middle finger as he flew by! They always flew into our airspace and trust me we flew into theirs.
Just curious.... is there are mutual respect between fighter pilots across different nations, ie; Russia and US? I only ask because it seems the Russian pilot has to have a high level of trust in the American pilot that he won't react in such a manner that would cause both to crash.
Also, do American pilots taunt Russian pilots in the same way? If so, I makes me wonder if in some strange way pilots from both nations like this bravado behavior. They are in this "fraternity of sorts" in which very few people have the opportunity to fly these machines.
Just curious.... is there are mutual respect between fighter pilots across different nations, ie; Russia and US? I only ask because it seems the Russian pilot has to have a high level of trust in the American pilot that he won't react in such a manner that would cause both to crash.
Also, do American pilots taunt Russian pilots in the same way? If so, I makes me wonder if in some strange way pilots from both nations like this bravado behavior. They are in this "fraternity of sorts" in which very few people have the opportunity to fly these machines.
Im sure they do, but there is fun n games and then there is too close for comfort . Last couple have been to close for comfort
Off the coast of the US ? And Trump just ignored it and pretended it never happened ?

They were all on international waters.

And I don’t recall us shooting down any Russian or Chinese planes, so…he didn’t do anything more than the current admin is doing.

Fact is, Russian & American fighters have been playing high-stakes chicken with each other since the 1950’s, off each other’s coasts, and every where else…this is just the latest round.
back in the day
we use dto have russian BEAR turboprop planes fly over our carrier or other ships all the time
we responded in kind to thiers with tomcats at low level, just about the speed of sound
its an old game, sometimes WAAYYY to close for comfort
we used to have russian ships behind us about 1 mile
we responded in the customary DUMPING of garbage and old lines prior to jump to light speed