
Why the .40 S&W is still Kicking

.40 is a well rounded bullet. It's accurate, hard hitting, and fun to shoot. Though it is hard on smaller and/or composite frames.

Look at that beast. It's hot!


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I’ve found that it depends entirely on the platform...a USP40 is incredibly easy to control, as is a .40 1911—a doublestack, like a Para P16.40 is incredible...as is a a Glock 22 (or 35) or Sig P229.

But in smaller pistols? .45, I’ve found, is easier to control, and usually only gives up a round or two in a similar platform as .40...the recoil characteristics are completely different, with a .45 giving a slow, firm push, while .40 has a faster, sharper impulse.

That being said...I like a USP40 Compact for carry. Light recoil, good capacity (12) and easily concealed.