Dadgum young whippersnappers!! I waz sitten herea mindin myz own biznes when this durn chicken stuf got started. I waz a vitim I tell you.![]()
Dadgum young whippersnappers!! I waz sitten herea mindin myz own biznes when this durn chicken stuf got started. I waz a vitim I tell you.![]()
Papa you crack my up !!!Dadgum young whippersnappers!! I waz sitten herea mindin myz own biznes when this durn chicken stuf got started. I waz a vitim I tell you.![]()
Welcome aboard from NH.Just joined! I am a Springfield fan! Retired from LGS last year. Spent 23 years in military, 3 Army and 20 Air Force.. Still like to go target shooting when I get the chance. I try to go at least 3 times a month. Hopefully I can get some good info from other members.
Sorry all the good info is taken. You’ll get unlabeled canned food and like it!Just joined! I am a Springfield fan! Retired from LGS last year. Spent 23 years in military, 3 Army and 20 Air Force.. Still like to go target shooting when I get the chance. I try to go at least 3 times a month. Hopefully I can get some good info from other members.
Welcome to the forum from Kentucky.Just joined! I am a Springfield fan! Retired from LGS last year. Spent 23 years in military, 3 Army and 20 Air Force.. Still like to go target shooting when I get the chance. I try to go at least 3 times a month. Hopefully I can get some good info from other members.
Welcome aboard!Just joined! I am a Springfield fan! Retired from LGS last year. Spent 23 years in military, 3 Army and 20 Air Force.. Still like to go target shooting when I get the chance. I try to go at least 3 times a month. Hopefully I can get some good info from other members.
Welcome from MA (Middle Alabama) -- enjoy your tour.Just joined! I am a Springfield fan! Retired from LGS last year. Spent 23 years in military, 3 Army and 20 Air Force.. Still like to go target shooting when I get the chance. I try to go at least 3 times a month. Hopefully I can get some good info from other members.
Sadly, most of it has nothing to do with guns!Welcome aboard from NH.
There's plenty of awesome members here that are very knowledgeable in a variety of subjects.
Sadly, most of it has nothing to do with guns!
Welcome from DFW.