
Why we're gonna lose.


Over the years I have seen, observed and reasoned to the conclusion the Conservatives and the United States are we remember it are doomed.
Conservatives, for the most part, simply want to live our lives as we see fit and be left alone to do so. Just leave us in peace to do our own thing without interference.
Liberals, OTOH, are so absolutely convinced that their way is not just the right way, but the only way to the point that they feel a need, a mandate, an obligation, to convert everyone else to their viewpoint even if they have to use force. An if you won't convert, they'd rather you be dead than oppose them. They work together, not under any organized conspiracy, but simply because they all have the same goals. Like minds supporting each other in every aspect of our society.

Then there is our public school system which has been run by liberals for at least the last 30 years or more. The dumbing down of America, revisionist history, condemning moral values and simply failing our children. They don't teach our children how to think, they tell them what to think.
Basically, if you're under the age of 40 and a liberal, congratulations! You're exactly what the system intended you to be. A poorly educated, brainwashed drone willfully and blindly following the program.
And therein lies the rub. Every year more and more of these drones reach voting age. Before long, us old school Americans are gonna be vastly outnumbered and forced to watch our beloved nation be destroyed from within. And there ain't a damned thing we can do to stop it.
Very sad state of affairs and all part of a plan since Oct 2008 when the promise was made, promise kept that we were just 5 days from lFundamentally Transforming America”.

It was just another way to say…

Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

“Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”

(Vladimir Lenin)
Over the years I have seen, observed and reasoned to the conclusion the Conservatives and the United States are we remember it are doomed.
Conservatives, for the most part, simply want to live our lives as we see fit and be left alone to do so. Just leave us in peace to do our own thing without interference.
Liberals, OTOH, are so absolutely convinced that their way is not just the right way, but the only way to the point that they feel a need, a mandate, an obligation, to convert everyone else to their viewpoint even if they have to use force. An if you won't convert, they'd rather you be dead than oppose them. They work together, not under any organized conspiracy, but simply because they all have the same goals. Like minds supporting each other in every aspect of our society.

Then there is our public school system which has been run by liberals for at least the last 30 years or more. The dumbing down of America, revisionist history, condemning moral values and simply failing our children. They don't teach our children how to think, they tell them what to think.
Basically, if you're under the age of 40 and a liberal, congratulations! You're exactly what the system intended you to be. A poorly educated, brainwashed drone willfully and blindly following the program.
And therein lies the rub. Every year more and more of these drones reach voting age. Before long, us old school Americans are gonna be vastly outnumbered and forced to watch our beloved nation be destroyed from within. And there ain't a damned thing we can do to stop it.
"YEP" !