I see that the author of this article is an attorney. I have seen numerous articles like this, some of which were written by attorneys. I worked my way through law school as a police officer, and have almost 25 years of combined experience between my two professions. I have yet to see anything of this nature actually happen in court, have seen no record of anything like this happening in a courtroom, and have never heard of an officer or detective deciding a shooting was unjustified because someone was using handloads. I have to concede that all of my time as a LEO and attorney has been spent in Texas, which is more gun-friendly than many states. Still, I would appreciate if the attorneys writing these articles would cite an actual case, or refer to a personal experience in trial, when giving this advice. I am not claiming that this attorney does not have such evidence or experience, but it would be helpful if a citation had been provided.
I have heard reports of the use of hollow-point ammunition being used as evidence against someone in trial, but I believe these occurred in jurisdictions where civilian possession of hollow-point ammunition is prohibited by law. I could foresee the use of handloads being addressed in a civil suit, but have never heard of it actually happening in a criminal proceeding where the possession and use of such ammunition is legal. The specific details of county-level criminal proceedings are rarely published in legal texts, so many attorneys are forced to rely on word-of-mouth from colleagues for specific details. If any of you have any actual knowledge of the issue of ammunition being addressed in court, I would greatly appreciate if you could share it with me.
This is my opinion on a general matter, and is not legal advice. I would advise people not to take something as gospel just because it was said by an attorney (including me). In literally every court case, there are attorneys arguing each side of the case, and exactly half of them are proven wrong when a verdict is entered. I absolutely agree with the author that the use of the same defensive ammunition carried by police is an excellent idea.