I'm registered as an Independent, I'm a conservative hawk, and usually vote republican. If there was a "constitutional" party that based their beliefs solely on the constitution, I'd register with that party. I have and have had friends and co-workers that were registered Democrats that were Pro 2A, NRA members, and hunters. I agree with other posters here, that's it's not necessarily what an individual is registered as that defines that "party", but the Party Platform that defines it instead. In this current environment, the DNC and Party Platform is outwardly anti 2A. You see and hear that from the candidates running for President and from the Party leaders. Can their Platform change? Maybe. In the past you had a fairly large minority of Blue Dog Democrats (several in the southern US tier), that voted with Republicans to defeat anti gun bills. Some Democrats have gone on record (Obama being one) that they fear the Party has shifted too far to the left. Are all registered Democrats supporters of this Platform? I'm not sure, the upcoming votes for the party nominee may help highlight if a majority are way to the left, or just somewhat to the left and coming towards the center (this should not be construed as being Pro 2A or not as anti 2A).
Regardless, even if the Party Platform changes in the future, I'm not sure it will move to a more pro 2A stance as the Republican Party Platform has been. But an Individual's Party affiliation should not be always equated that they believe in 100% of their Party's Platform. A former Governor of Pennsylvania that I admired for standing against his Party's Platform on Abortion was Robert Casey Sr. (not his son of same name and U.S. Pa. Senator). He was so vocal about his pro life views, that the DNC would not allow him to speak at one of their past National Party conventions. So resistance to the Platform does happen on occasion.
Regardless, even if the Party Platform changes in the future, I'm not sure it will move to a more pro 2A stance as the Republican Party Platform has been. But an Individual's Party affiliation should not be always equated that they believe in 100% of their Party's Platform. A former Governor of Pennsylvania that I admired for standing against his Party's Platform on Abortion was Robert Casey Sr. (not his son of same name and U.S. Pa. Senator). He was so vocal about his pro life views, that the DNC would not allow him to speak at one of their past National Party conventions. So resistance to the Platform does happen on occasion.