
wifey signs up for speed dating.........great idea


No not that kind... lol. We had a members ,family and friends , open to public day at local range last Saturday.Was a group of ladies there that teach women all about hand gun,safety first of course,how to draw, grip, types of holsters and most important have a gun that you like, trust, and fits you etc. etc. Wasn't the well armed woman group, was another group.Well the speed dating thing,I think she goes in a week or so, is they have at least 10 to 12 different carry guns at tables and have someone at each table that explains all the features,checks your grip,how you aim and how you draw, you know all the things that are important to really bond with your gun. Then you move onto the next table.After that is over you can shoot the guns you took a fancy to under supervision of course.They have all kinds of holsters to try out.They don't sell guns it's up to the person to order their gun they want. All 9mm.The last part is they have some kind of plastic bullet they use and put you in a senerio where someone is trying to attack you and you shoot the attacker. I watch these instructors do some target shooting and they talk the talk AND walk the walk.Every movement from drawing to aiming, fireing to back in holster, every movement had a purpose,time after time.
No not that kind... lol. We had a members ,family and friends , open to public day at local range last Saturday.Was a group of ladies there that teach women all about hand gun,safety first of course,how to draw, grip, types of holsters and most important have a gun that you like, trust, and fits you etc. etc. Wasn't the well armed woman group, was another group.Well the speed dating thing,I think she goes in a week or so, is they have at least 10 to 12 different carry guns at tables and have someone at each table that explains all the features,checks your grip,how you aim and how you draw, you know all the things that are important to really bond with your gun. Then you move onto the next table.After that is over you can shoot the guns you took a fancy to under supervision of course.They have all kinds of holsters to try out.They don't sell guns it's up to the person to order their gun they want. All 9mm.The last part is they have some kind of plastic bullet they use and put you in a senerio where someone is trying to attack you and you shoot the attacker. I watch these instructors do some target shooting and they talk the talk AND walk the walk.Every movement from drawing to aiming, fireing to back in holster, every movement had a purpose,time after time.
That is actually a great idea! I might throw out a suggestion to my LGS. Worth a shot (pun intended 😎 ).