
Winter Storm Landon


Founding Member
Been gone since the winter storm Landon did a number where I live. My county in Ohio where I live got between 3/4 to 1 inch of ice then 2” of sleet on top of that. I lost power Thursday night and was without it for just a tad over 22 hours, My county, 51% lost power, I got mine back on Saturday afternoon, but no cable, phone, internet till today. We lost most of our food in the fridge also, bad storm, hope any other member here who had to deal with this storm survived it with little inconvenience.
I was an 18 year old kid living in New York State during the blizzard of '77. Google blizzard of 77, New York and view the photos. After that, pretty much every snow/ice event I've been in has paled in comparison. I spent days checking up on people that were snowed in to make sure they were well and keeping them supplied with basic supplies needed to survive (you know stuff like beer and cigarettes) via snowmobile. took us awhile to dig out of that one.
I was an 18 year old kid living in New York State during the blizzard of '77. Google blizzard of 77, New York and view the photos. After that, pretty much every snow/ice event I've been in has paled in comparison. I spent days checking up on people that were snowed in to make sure they were well and keeping them supplied with basic supplies needed to survive (you know stuff like beer and cigarettes) via snowmobile. took us awhile to dig out of that one.
I was in upstate during the blizzard of 77 too. In 78 I got stuck for 3 days in Liberty, PA while visiting colleges in Pittsburgh area. I knew we were in trouble when the highway plow we were following stopped and turned back while my Dad decided to push on. Me and my family got rescued by a rig driver who also happened to be the Liberty Fire Chief. They had to come out and get us in snowmobiles when his rig got bogged down in the snow. He put us up at his house for those 3 days. I’ve never seen anything to match that since.
I feel for those with weather woes and property loss. The blizzard of 79 drove us from Ohio to Florida. I recall patrolling on midnights looking for cars buried in snow and worked a couple scenes where officers were hit by skidding cars. It was easy tracking burglars though. Ya'll stay safe and warm in this extreme weather. Anni I hope you get things back to normal soon.
Been gone since the winter storm Landon did a number where I live. My county in Ohio where I live got between 3/4 to 1 inch of ice then 2” of sleet on top of that. I lost power Thursday night and was without it for just a tad over 22 hours, My county, 51% lost power, I got mine back on Saturday afternoon, but no cable, phone, internet till today. We lost most of our food in the fridge also, bad storm, hope any other member here who had to deal with this storm survived it with little inconvenience.

You guys in the southern counties definitely got hard with the icing on this one. I'm sorry you had taken on so much damage. Ice is definitely no fun.

Here in the northern half, the Advisories quickly blossomed into Watches and then Warnings, and there were massive school and business closings. As Thursday wore into Friday, even Case Western Reserve University closed for a second day due to area and local road conditions as several surrounding counties declared Lvl.2 and even Lvl.3 Emergencies.

My friend up at Yale (New Haven, CT.) texted on Thursday afternoon that their medical school complex had actually entirely lost power - even the backup generators.

I think that because this one came so close to the first real snow of the season - which came fast-and-furious for us back on MLK day, with a nominal 12 to 24 inches throughout the primary and secondary snow-belts - many folks were much more cautious. I didn't have to be out in the thick of it, but as with the MLK storm, I did need to get actual business done (for the MLK storm, my wife and I had to deliver critical supplies for our students as emergency services at the school was overwhelmed helping stranded people dig-out; for Landon, I had to go in to take care of my animals), and I didn't see nearly as many snow-banked or high-centered vehicles. Still, as Lake Effect compounded things on Friday, roadways previously cleared and treated again became somewhat messy. Even as of yesterday, some areas in the City of Cleveland as well as the less-well-to-do inner-ring suburbs still suffered from unplowed residential side-streets.

The snow from Landon was heavy and wet in our area, unlike what we got on MLK day. Plowing the sidewalk, walkways, where we turn our vehicles around in the back -and the flat-roof/porch section over our sun-room- took some muscle and was less enjoyable, even though total accumulation wasn't nearly that of what we had from the MLK-day storm. 🥵 The 3-inches or so of Lake Effect fluff was a joy to throw over my shoulder, though.

Luckily for us no power outages, and so-far, no ice/icicle-induced leaks.
Here in the Top 'O Texas back in the '70s we used too get drifts 7' high with 4'+ of level snow. Those days are long and gone and further south has been getting more snow than I used too see here. That's light weight compared too other places north.

Friend in Cleburne (Ft. Worth - so nowhere near "The Top" :p ) got a heck of a sheet of ice on their roadways on Thursday night.

Looked like an ice rink. :oops:
I left the day before and got 160 miles then had to stay. That was about half way home.

^ Every once in a while, I look at my Subaru, with winter tires, and still think that it's probably not the most efficient way to go about things......

I was an 18 year old kid living in New York State during the blizzard of '77. Google blizzard of 77, New York and view the photos. After that, pretty much every snow/ice event I've been in has paled in comparison. I spent days checking up on people that were snowed in to make sure they were well and keeping them supplied with basic supplies needed to survive (you know stuff like beer and cigarettes) via snowmobile. took us awhile to dig out of that one.
When that blizzard hit I walked about a half a mile to my local GC Murphy store to buy the new Kiss Alive II album, yea, I was a die hard Kiss fan, got the album, played it, it sucked…..true story
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The worst snow I can remember in my area as far as total inches ( 22" level ) and wind driven drifts ( 8' feet in my driveway ) was back in early 80's . About 82 or 83 can't remember for certain . I lived in the country and my neighbor across the road called me and got me out of bed.

He asked me if I could go pull his truck out because he was stuck in the middle of the road. I had a 3/4 ton Ford 4x4 and told him it wouldn't be a problem. That's when he asked me if I had looked outside. Well I told him I would call him back in a bit , walked to my front door and had this look 😲 on my face. My truck was parked on a level part of my drive and the snow , not drifted , was level with the top of my front bumper. Then I looked down my long drive and saw the drift .

I called Gene back and told him I didn't know if I could untrack myself , let alone pull his truck out. The thing wasd it was warm and raining the day before up till about 10:00 PM and then changed to snow and started sticking sudden like. I knew the ground wasn't frozen . I had to go through the field to get around the drift in my driveway. The wind was blowing around 20 to 25 MPH so drifting was really bad on East / West roads.

Turned out I couldn't get to his truck due to 3 others stuck behind him and I couldn't get to him from the other direction due to cars stuck from that way. I made several trips to town those few days to get things such as meds and food for my neighbors.
The worst snow I can remember in my area as far as total inches ( 22" level ) and wind driven drifts ( 8' feet in my driveway ) was back in early 80's . About 82 or 83 can't remember for certain . I lived in the country and my neighbor across the road called me and got me out of bed.

He asked me if I could go pull his truck out because he was stuck in the middle of the road. I had a 3/4 ton Ford 4x4 and told him it wouldn't be a problem. That's when he asked me if I had looked outside. Well I told him I would call him back in a bit , walked to my front door and had this look 😲 on my face. My truck was parked on a level part of my drive and the snow , not drifted , was level with the top of my front bumper. Then I looked down my long drive and saw the drift .

I called Gene back and told him I didn't know if I could untrack myself , let alone pull his truck out. The thing wasd it was warm and raining the day before up till about 10:00 PM and then changed to snow and started sticking sudden like. I knew the ground wasn't frozen . I had to go through the field to get around the drift in my driveway. The wind was blowing around 20 to 25 MPH so drifting was really bad on East / West roads.

Turned out I couldn't get to his truck due to 3 others stuck behind him and I couldn't get to him from the other direction due to cars stuck from that way. I made several trips to town those few days to get things such as meds and food for my neighbors.
Good man papa
I made several trips to town those few days to get things such as meds and food for my neighbors.

I left the "LOL" react because of the exchange between you and your neighbor. :ROFLMAO:

But as with @javbike , I wanted to send you a (y) for what you did for all of your neighbors. Good man, indeed.

Having a capable rig really does give us an advantage when it's nasty out. As Uncle Ben said to Peter Parker, "With great power comes great responsibility."