
Winter Storm Landon

I left the "LOL" react because of the exchange between you and your neighbor. :ROFLMAO:

But as with @javbike , I wanted to send you a (y) for what you did for all of your neighbors. Good man, indeed.

Having a capable rig really does give us an advantage when it's nasty out. As Uncle Ben said to Peter Parker, "With great power comes great responsibility."
I left the "LOL" react because of the exchange between you and your neighbor. :ROFLMAO:

But as with @javbike , I wanted to send you a (y) for what you did for all of your neighbors. Good man, indeed.

Having a capable rig really does give us an advantage when it's nasty out. As Uncle Ben said to Peter Parker, "With great power comes great responsibility."
Yeah it was a true experience going through that field. When I pulled into his drive he came out to get in and stated if he hadn't seen it he wouldn't have believed it. He said all he could see was snow and mud flying in the air and couldn't see my truck most of the time I was in the field.

Back then I was running a tire no longer made. The Goodyear X-tra grip Hi-miler , size 12.00 x 16.5. It was bias ply tire with a tread pattern like this. https://www.goodyear.com.my/tyres/custom-xtra-grip-hi-miler
^ That looks like it moves a ton of snow/mud!!!!! Nice!!!
It sure did. They were very hard to balance but wore forever . I got 80,000 miles from my first pair and 75,000 from the second pair. About the time the second set were worn out is when everyone went to radials and Goodyear stopped making the Xtra Grip. I asked my local Goodyear store manager why they didn't make a radial with that tread and he said they tried but because the tire griped so hard it would peel the tread off of the tire carcass.
Although the blizzard of 1978 paled in comparison to the snow Connecticut got in 2013 it was bad because of the lack of a good snow removal infrastructure.

The day after I was out and about in my 64 Pontiac Tempest.
The last blizzard I remember was in 2013 while living in Middletown CT.
Over 4 feet of snow in 32 hours.

This was the start of it.

Just before it ended, those two lumps are the vehicle’s from the first picture. You can see the snow halfway up the garage door and snow on the garage roof. Took two days to dig out, took a week for the street to be plowed.
Luckily never lost power.
Here in the Top 'O Texas back in the '70s we used too get drifts 7' high with 4'+ of level snow. Those days are long and gone and further south has been getting more snow than I used too see here. That's light weight compared too other places north.
We were the same way in upstate NY with the Lake Effect Snow and the Nor'Easterners. At the top of the hill of the little village I lived in was like a wind tunnel and would drift in with snow 6' or higher. You would be coming towards a wall of snow and had to make a decision. Do I blast through it or do I backtrack, and the back roads into town on roads that are real sketchy if they've even had a plow in the last few hours. Problem is, you don't know if there is already some yahoo in the middle of it and what direction your car will be pointing when you bust out the other side. Only once did I ever hit anything, a glancing blow off the front passenger fender of a Galaxie 500 with a Ford F-250.
I was in upstate during the blizzard of 77 too. In 78 I got stuck for 3 days in Liberty, PA while visiting colleges in Pittsburgh area. I knew we were in trouble when the highway plow we were following stopped and turned back while my Dad decided to push on. Me and my family got rescued by a rig driver who also happened to be the Liberty Fire Chief. They had to come out and get us in snowmobiles when his rig got bogged down in the snow. He put us up at his house for those 3 days. I’ve never seen anything to match that since.
I had moved out of NY State in the fall of 77 so I missed the blizzard of 78.