
World's most reliable automobiles

I used to think I would like to own a Big Lincoln Town car when I was young for weekend trips and all. That was until my step-daughter and her husband bought one. It was basically a new car with only 20,000 miles on it.

They insisted I drive it so I did. That was the end of me wanting a Town car. The ride was smooth but the car was wallowing all over the place. I don't like that kind of a suspension. It felt like when you went to turn , you had to start turning the steering wheel a 1/2 mile before you got the turn. OK , so it wasn't quite that bad but not for me.
I'd love to have a Town Car to ride in on the street.

I've done a zillion laps strapped into single-seaters on race tracks. It's exercise. It's hard work. It's a blast. Once I started racing, driving on the road is (as the bumper sticker says) just for getting to the race track

I want to be comfortable on the street. Street cars on street tires are not fun for me. Public roads suck. I have no desire to feel them.

Give me a long wheelbase and soft tires and suspension any day. On the road. Not the race track.

Funny-the first thing we'd do to find grip on the track is to soften up the suspension. Why do people on the road want to stiffen the cars up ?