
Wow, really?

I like this idea. Needs to come back in favor

I’m starting to think a lot of us on this forum were born old and never were a teenager doing dumb teenager things. :).
Again he is not a teenager. Of course we all did dumb things. Hell, I still do, 3 days ago being a prime example, and no I will not go into details. HOWEVER we don't expect the world to sit around with bated breath waiting for the words of wisdom to fall from our mouth.
Rittenhouse is a kid. He's supposed to be stupid. That's how kids learn. Leave him be. :rolleyes:
As for Trump, he may be anti-gun, but he ain't stupid. He knows who his base is. Besides, Vance is very pro-gun. I'm sure he'll keep Trump in line.
Remember, Trump was full-on pro gun control until it was politically expedient for him not to be.

As soon as that changes, so will he.

He’s walking human excrement.
Remember, Trump was full-on pro gun control until it was politically expedient for him not to be.

As soon as that changes, so will he.

He’s walking human excrement.
Well, Byrd was a grand dragon until it wasn’t politically expedient. It’s kinda what they do. I’m under no illusions about Trump brother. I wouldn’t say human excrement but, Trump is for Trump.

In any case he’s the best choice we have right now. I’d have much rather voted for someone like Hawley or DeSantis, but we can’t have another 4 years of far left democrats in control.
Remember, Trump was full-on pro gun control until it was politically expedient for him not to be.

As soon as that changes, so will he.

He’s walking human excrement.
Exactly.... He was antigun while in office. He sat with antigun Senate and House Democrats live on mainstream media networks and bashed the NRA while calling for more gun control. He supported the bumpstock ban, Red Flag laws, capacity limits, and putting an end to private sales and gifting firearms to friends and family nationwide. He said to he'll with the Constitution and due process when he opened Pandora's box by telling the ATF to bypass Congress, and when he told the world that law enforcement and government should "take our guns" without going through the judicial system.

With that said and back on topic, please explain why we're calling a man who is sticking to his principles by refusing to vote for an antigunner an "idiot?" Why are people more mad at Riddenhouse for refusing to vote for an antigunner who doesn't care about violating multiple constitutionally protected rights than they're mad at Trump. If Trump didn't do wrong, Rittenhouse wouldn't have any reason NOT to support and vote for him.

It's akin to your wife breaking her promise and marriage vows by having an affair, you asking for a divorce, and then your friends, family, and the Judge overseeing your divorce case are are bashing and ridiculing you for breaking up your family instead of your wife.
With that said and back on topic, please explain why we're calling a man who is sticking to his principles by refusing to vote for an antigunner an "idiot?"
I don’t think it’s who/why he’s voting for as much as he (at the ripe old age of 20-21?) thinks the whole world should care who he’s voting for…I know I don’t. Just like I don’t care what others think about decisions I make (outside of my spouse of 45 years). Which, by the way, I don’t blast publicly because I don’t have a need to be relevant to millions of people.
Exactly.... He was antigun while in office. He sat with antigun Senate and House Democrats live on mainstream media networks and bashed the NRA while calling for more gun control. He supported the bumpstock ban, Red Flag laws, capacity limits, and putting an end to private sales and gifting firearms to friends and family nationwide. He said to he'll with the Constitution and due process when he opened Pandora's box by telling the ATF to bypass Congress, and when he told the world that law enforcement and government should "take our guns" without going through the judicial system.

With that said and back on topic, please explain why we're calling a man who is sticking to his principles by refusing to vote for an antigunner an "idiot?" Why are people more mad at Riddenhouse for refusing to vote for an antigunner who doesn't care about violating multiple constitutionally protected rights than they're mad at Trump. If Trump didn't do wrong, Rittenhouse wouldn't have any reason NOT to support and vote for him.

It's akin to your wife breaking her promise and marriage vows by having an affair, you asking for a divorce, and then your friends, family, and the Judge overseeing your divorce case are are bashing and ridiculing you for breaking up your family instead of your wife.
I’m calling him a moron for the stunt he pulled walking in a crowd with a rifle. Legal. Sure. We know the end result. Almost cost him his life and a long stint in prison.
He is not a sharp tack but a dull butter knife.
I could give a rats a$$ who he votes for or even what he cares about
Remember, Trump was full-on pro gun control until it was politically expedient for him not to be.

As soon as that changes, so will he.

He’s walking human excrement.
But he is a lot better choice even with his faults then the alternative Harris who wants the government to control every aspect of your lives……I’ll take my chances with him….just sayin