
WWHGD (what would hans gruber do)

So…a few pics, for comparison.

HK45 Tactical and HKUSP45 Tactical.

HK45 wears a Surefire X300 and a CCF Vortex-style flash hider (which is incredibly efficient in low light).

HKUSP45 and USP45 Compact, both bright stainless.
Most definitely!

I still have my USP 9 and it will not be leaving until I'm dead.
When I traded my USP45 even up for my Kimber 1911 back in the 90's, it was because my hands were a bit too small for the double stack USP. My hands have grown and boy howdy if I run across another at a local shop it's MINE!

In the polymer DA/SA .45 category… the USP reigns supreme.

In fact…I’d be willing to say it gives the whole DA/SA .45 community a serious run for its money—including the Sig P220 and CZ97.
In the polymer DA/SA .45 category… the USP reigns supreme.

In fact…I’d be willing to say it gives the whole DA/SA .45 community a serious run for its money—including the Sig P220 and CZ97.
The P220 gets the vote for me, just because it carries a lot slimmer than a double-stack .45 (but then again, it doesn't have the same capacity, obviously), and also because the P220 has a better trigger, in my experience. But then again, if I'm going to carry a single stack .45, it's going to be a good 1911, hands-down. The P220 offers nothing that is better than a good 1911 (I own P220s in both DA/SA and SAO).

I had a HK 45C for a while, and it was a very accurate gun, never had a functional issue with it. But it was seriously chunky for a .45 that only offers 8 or 10 rounds - it carried like a double-stack, with single-stack capacity. It had a DA trigger that was no doubt smooth, but ridiculously heavy and loooong (and I've shot lots of different DA/SA guns). I resorted to carrying it in Condition 1 simply because the DA was so bad. But ultimately I concluded that at that point I may as well carry a good 1911 that has the same capacity, is way slimmer and has an excellent trigger.

That said, if I was headed out the door and it was the end of the world, I wouldn't hesitate to grab an HK and know that it would ride through thick and thin. They are excellent duty-grade pistols.
You know…

I DO think Glock reigns supreme in the plastic striker .45 category with the G21/41.

But—and speaking as someone who owns a G21, and has owned a G21 for close to 20 years…

I’d rather carry a USP45.
Don't have a glock nor an HK, I am interested in the HK45 or HK USP 45... ....I believe they have other good models in .45, which complicates the decision even more...
I have an FNX-45T, 15 rnd magazines of .45ACP.... ...it would be interesting to compare...

I do have Springfield XD-M .45 and like it very much, but Springfield has discontinued all .45 full sized polymer striker fired pistols, nor did they offer a .45 version of some of their top of the line XD pistols, like the XD-M Elite OSP that I have in 9mm....

Seems the market has gone to split striker fired polymer pistols in 9mm, and hammer fired in .45 (mostly polymer also)

Seems offering a 9mm version is popular, but if its a 9mm, not so much popularity to offer a .45 version..