
XD-S Putting a 4"Longslide on a 3.3" Frame


I like the long-barrel version of the XD-S. Could I take a slide from a 4" version and put it on my 3.3" frame?

(In my state (Mass) only the 3.3" pistols are available.)

If that's all that is legal where you live, that is what you should stay with.

I doubt anyone here will advise you on how to do something illegal where you live.
Sld, the laws here are not like that. For a gun to be "on the state's list" the manufacturer must submit it for evaluation. Any variation requires a new submission by the manufacturer. I.e. a nickel finish instead of blue, 4" instead of 6" barrel, etc.

However, once legally in the state, the owner can modify it without a problem. Change barrels, get a new cylinder, etc. Anything, except something like an auto-sear, or hi-cap mag.

My question; can I change slides to a different length, or does the XD-S have some weirdness that would cause a functioning problem?