
Xdm elite 3.8 10mm

Anyone know a holster for the 10mm. Have a heck of a time finding one in the 10mm. Interested in both iwb/owb but not appendix. Also want concealable.
Uses the same one for the 9mm XDm Elite Compact, I have both of these guns and yes the same holster, also mine is the Versa Carry buffalo leather similar to this one, same design

Try Wright Leatherworks. Made right here in America. I have a few of their holsters. If it's not on their web site a five minute call to them and see what they can do. I had to call them a few times and they are great to work with. The only draw back is their lead times run between 6-8 weeks. You can also try Muddy River Tactical. They are great as well. Just my 2 cents.
I use a simple Kydex OWB off Fleabay from Outlaw Holsters.
Cheap, comfortable, good for both RMR sights and without. It holds well and comes out very well.
Will it scuff the finish on your gun over time? Yup! But I don't care. It's a tool and I never worried about the finish on my box wrenches!! :)
C & G Holsters is where I got mine - both OWB and IWB. You have to be careful to be absolutely certain that you are looking at holsters specifically for the 3.8 XD-M Elite (OSP) - whatever vendor you look at. We The People ended up having to change their web site because of an issue I had with them and my search for a holster...