They if I remember right only come out in one direction, meaning they only tap out from the left or they tap out from the right, also they are very tight fitting, can’t remember which direction it is thoughHaving problems removing rear sight on my XDs 9mm. Have tried using sight removal tool and vise and hammer, used 3-1 oil. It has not be used in 9 years.
The dovetails are parallel, and can go in either direction on all HS pistolsThey if I remember right only come out in one direction, meaning they only tap out from the left or they tap out from the right, also they are very tight fitting, can’t remember which direction it is though
Well after trying 3 different sight pusher and a small vise. I got a heavy vise with another punch it only took 1/2 hour to remove it. SO all is well new sights on. only 3 more XDs to go. Thank youThank you all for your input, I'll try again tomorrow but I will use a 12LB sluge hammer. Thanks
Well after trying 3 different sight pusher and a small vise. I got a heavy vise with another punch it only took 1/2 hour to remove it. SO all is well new sights on. only 3 more XDs to go. Thank you
Ditto.On my first XD the gunsmith broke the sights when removing them.