
You People Disgust me...

The glock is the ugly woman who can cook up the best dinner you ever had and ravage you in bed, but is ugly as sin so you wont admit you were with her. 😉
i cannot recall that movie.....usually the cable channels have such movies, maybe the SciFi channel..?? can't say i ever see it mentioned.
early 80's cult classic, b-grade movie about telekinetic/telepathy technology harnessed by demented individuals in an effort to do very bad things to people... like make heads explode. it was a such a bad movie but in a good way.

early 80's cult classic, b-grade movie about telekinetic/telepathy technology harnessed by demented individuals in an effort to do very bad things to people... like make heads explode. it was a such a bad movie but in a good way.

sheesh...Jennifer O'Neill.....Michael Ironside..???

now i gotta see that....i LOVED Jennifer since Summer of '42

and Michael Ironside, cuz he's very good in anything he does.