
You’ll need an F-16

No need for tests. Had the media done their job the American public would have seen what a half-wit he is and we would not be here now. Nobody paid much attention to him before. I remember him from 50 years ago. He was a moron then and nothing has changed
30+ million dollar moron. Maddening the scale of corruption he and his clan are going to get away with.
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I’m not on the “age limit” bandwagon.
I know a few 80 years olds that are sharper than a tack. Some sort of cognitive test . Sure.
Beijing Biden is in clear decline.
There is a cognitive/psychological test as well as a physical evaluation, the problem is it’s not even close to being objective. Any psychologist worth their degree can see he has a mental decline and either has dementia or Alzheimer’s and there have been a lot of experts to come out and say that only to have their careers ruined. Anyone that’s had a relative that’s suffered through those diseases can see the signs as well.
There is a cognitive/psychological test as well as a physical evaluation, the problem is it’s not even close to being objective. Any psychologist worth their degree can see he has a mental decline and either has dementia or Alzheimer’s and there have been a lot of experts to come out and say that only to have their careers ruined. Anyone that’s had a relative that’s suffered through those diseases can see the signs as well.
It is very difficult. My father had dementia. Seeing the confusion in his eyes was heartbreaking. IMO this says a lot about his wife, handlers and family.
Then again , as my wife pointed out, it does not say much about a woman (JB) that has enabled the ghosting of a innocent child that HB fathered. In short they seem like pretty crappy human beings.
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F16 not needed…….