
Your Summer Carry…do you .380?


Master Class
Hi all-

So curious, and I fully know .9mm is better (unless you are @10mmLife ), but anyone carrying .380. If so, why are you carrying?

Summer dress means less layers, and I have been contemplating the .380. Sure I know my hellcat with 11 round is just about right, but when ounces matter, what’s the go to for everyone? LCP2 seems popular and is crazy light, but I am one of those that like the DAO kahr.

thoughts? Pictures?
The last 380 I carried was Glock 42.
Is a 32 auto or 22 lr too small, would you consider?
Beretta makes a nice little Tomcat in 32 auto or Bobcat in 22 lr.
Personally if I carry smaller than a 9 mm I would prefer a revolver over semiautomatic. You don’t have to worry about malfunctions as much. There are a few nice 22 magnum revolvers that hold 8 rounds or a snubby 38 special that usually holds 6.
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Hi all-

So curious, and I fully know .9mm is better (unless you are @10mmLife ), but anyone carrying .380. If so, why are you carrying?

Summer dress means less layers, and I have been contemplating the .380. Sure I know my hellcat with 11 round is just about right, but when ounces matter, what’s the go to for everyone? LCP2 seems popular and is crazy light, but I am one of those that like the DAO kahr.

thoughts? Pictures?
I occasionally carry a S&W .380 bodyguard IWB or in a pocket holster during the warmer months when I'm wearing less or I just prefer to have a lower profile.

I'm actually disappointed nobody makes a 10mm in the S&W bodyguard size frame because that would be an awesome piece of hardware.
With all the micro 9mm pistols available I see no value to carrying a .380.
Until you compare the micro compacts to a firearm like the Bodyguard in terms of size and weight.

It's all a trade off in the end because as we all know that just going a little larger with the size of a firearm it typically brings more powerful calibers and rounds in the mag.

Consumer specific needs and purposes have been the driving factor for companies to produce micro compacts and even smaller pistols.

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I carried an AMT Back-up 380 as a back up and off duty for many years. i stopped doing so after firing rounds tjat did not penetrate a 4 inch piece of foam insulation. Since then my summer carry has been a Sccy 9mm or S&W Model 49 38 Spl.

Browning .380 1911 is my main .380 for CC. I like its size for summer shorts and such. Including my expanding waistline ☹️
It is 80% of the size of a standard 1911 with all normal 1911 functionality. Makes muscle memory easy when used to a .45 1911
Until you compare the micro compacts to a firearm like the Bodyguard in terms of size and weight.

It's all a trade off in the end because as we all know that just going a little larger with the size of a firearm it typically brings more powerful calibers and rounds in the mag.

Consumer specific needs and purposes have been the driving factor for companies to produce micro compacts and even smaller pistols.

Exactly why I bring it up. I know it’s being nit picky but that bodyguard is crazy small compared to my hellcat. Plus with all the expansion stuff it gets even less pocket able (ie 15 round mag). I don’t walk around with a muscle t but it gets humid in part of IL…
Browning .380 1911 is my main .380 for CC. I like its size for summer shorts and such. Including my expanding waistline ☹️
It is 80% of the size of a standard 1911 with all normal 1911 functionality. Makes muscle memory easy when used to a .45 1911View attachment 17685
@KillerFord1977 - I am a 1911 amateur but I am guessing confidence in the safety when cocked and locked is key? I have a 9mm 911 I really like but I have had that damn manual safety flip…prob just a bad holster.
In summer if only wearing a T-shirt, I tend to carry my LCP in a Desantis Nemesis pocket holster in my pocket. If I am also wearing my usual untucked fishing shirt, I'll consider wearing the 9mm either OWB or IWB. It really depends on how hot and sweaty I expect to get, and weather I feel like wearing 2 layers of shirt. I've gone OWB or IWB without a T-shirt under the outer shirt, but not too often, as I don't like sweating directly on the back of my holster (Crossbreed Supertuck or Snapslide).
My requirements for a concealed carry pistol is that it be concealable, is centerfire of sufficient power, it is dependable, the operator is able to draw and operate it under stress, and that the operator can hit with it consistently. Proficiency is the most important factor in my view. There are tradeoffs based on personal preferences, stature, and abilities. i.e., You may hit better with a bigger gun, but it is not as concealable as a micro, and so on. Everybody is different, but bottom line is you are staking your life or the lives of others on your choices.
When I want to go lighter and smaller than my Hellcat with RDS, I go with my SA 911 in .380. At 12.6 ounces, you almost don’t realize it’s there. The gun is very smooth and very accurate. The trigger is great and recoil is almost non existent. Obviously, I love this little gun. I’ve had no FTE or FTF issues with it whatsoever. With a Kydex IWB, it completely disappears, even with a light t-shirt.