
Youtube and Firearms.

Belt Fed

I got a warning from them this morning for one of my gun videos i posted here. i had two with the same gun and the only difference in the two were one was with a 50 round magazine and the other was i shot a couple rounds on semi and then flipped the full auto switch and emptied the mag, they deleted that one. now the crazy part is their rules state no mags higher than 30 rounds can be used. they didn't delete the one i shot with it and i even said it was a rare 50 round mag.

They tried to put the scare tactic on, gonna remove my channel and ban me from YT if i do it again. nowhere in the rules does it state what they deleted the video for. makes no sense. now if they removed the one with the 50 round mag it would have been in the rules. the rules state that you cannot post videos of devices added that make it full auto. i didn't install it. it's part of the gun. i guess they think the others i posted just go full auto with some kind of switch to move.

LOL, How screwed up are they. i understand it is their site and they may do as the please, welp so can i. i switched all the videos to rumble. here's the two i'm talking about.

It’s the way mainstream media works now, anything related to firearms, 2nd amendment, or anything against a democrat will be removed/banned, but any and I mean any left leaning organization can post anything they want about the right, or any organization that’s promoting racism, bigotry and so on, with NO repercussions or consequences…..
There's no money there
You're so wrong, i done earned a penny. :ROFLMAO:

I ain't takin my clothes off for no money. lol wait, maybe i would. how much could i make? i know some of them women made good money. ok i'm an old fat guy, nobody gonna pay to see that. nevermind. :ROFLMAO:
Do it around Christmas time. Dress up in the Red Suit, mount a stripper pole in a sleigh, and go to town. You can even hire some dwarf women to wear pointy ears and throw money at you. Merry Christmas!
A local morning radio host had his facebook live page banned because of an ad he shared from "The Range West STL" about an upcoming event. They said it violated community standards and will not correspond with him on the matter.

Mind you the ad from "The Range" is still up on their page and elsewhere.