Here's a really great article about whether or not you should carry a spare magazine.
The author does an excellent job of presenting the advantages and disadvantages both of carrying and not carrying a spare magazine.
Something that I never thought about: if you carry a spare magazine in your pocket, it can get damaged and become non-functional because of bumping things in your pocket, or because of pocket lint getting in the magazine - "Magazines are designed with some tight tolerances. If you have ever encountered a misfeed because of a bent or damaged magazine lip, you will understand. A bit of fuzz in the wrong place at the wrong time can be a showstopper for some pistols."
When I think about how some aftermarket magazines don't work as well as the ones from the gun manufacturer, I realize that magazines have to be perfect. This reinforces the author's statement about a bent or damaged magazine failing.
I'll bet your spare magazine is more fragile than your gun. If I bump up against something, and my magazine is on that side of my body, I would be afraid that it would get bent from the bump.
I'm looking right now at getting an ankle holster for my spare magazine. I think that is the best option, both for speed of access, protection from possible damage (I can carry it on the inner side of my leg), and not cluttering up my one remaining front pants pocket even more than it already is (I pocket carry my gun in my other front pants pocket).
Either that, or a hard plastic box that snaps shut, that I can put the magazine in while I pocket carry it. Getting the magazine out of a hard plastic box would slow me down a bit if I ever need the spare magazine; however, being in the hard plastic box would protect the magazine from damage and would ensure that the magazine actually works if I ever need it.
Carrying a Spare Magazine – When Two is One and One is None - Online Concealed Handgun Permit
This is one of those issues that is guaranteed to keep concealed carry license holders talking for hours. Whether it is wise to carry a spare magazine with...

The author does an excellent job of presenting the advantages and disadvantages both of carrying and not carrying a spare magazine.
Something that I never thought about: if you carry a spare magazine in your pocket, it can get damaged and become non-functional because of bumping things in your pocket, or because of pocket lint getting in the magazine - "Magazines are designed with some tight tolerances. If you have ever encountered a misfeed because of a bent or damaged magazine lip, you will understand. A bit of fuzz in the wrong place at the wrong time can be a showstopper for some pistols."
When I think about how some aftermarket magazines don't work as well as the ones from the gun manufacturer, I realize that magazines have to be perfect. This reinforces the author's statement about a bent or damaged magazine failing.
I'll bet your spare magazine is more fragile than your gun. If I bump up against something, and my magazine is on that side of my body, I would be afraid that it would get bent from the bump.
I'm looking right now at getting an ankle holster for my spare magazine. I think that is the best option, both for speed of access, protection from possible damage (I can carry it on the inner side of my leg), and not cluttering up my one remaining front pants pocket even more than it already is (I pocket carry my gun in my other front pants pocket).
Either that, or a hard plastic box that snaps shut, that I can put the magazine in while I pocket carry it. Getting the magazine out of a hard plastic box would slow me down a bit if I ever need the spare magazine; however, being in the hard plastic box would protect the magazine from damage and would ensure that the magazine actually works if I ever need it.