And this is where you show your cards.
There are plenty of conspiracy theories circulating on the left. One of the most prominent was the liberal, granola-holistic anti-vax theories of years past (think Jenny McCarthy). From The Washington Post, and article dating back to 2014 - That movement, itself, dates back to the early/mid-oughts.
Crazy exists all along the spectrum, and is not exclusive to either extreme - nor is it absent as one nears the center.
Believe it or not, I was actually a registered Democrat until just this past election (now Libertarian - I decided that I didn't want to belong to a party whose rallying-cry was "Believe the Science," when their own actions here in my state, at the start of the pandemic, went against that very science which they professed to so revere...).

My cousin -whom I am very close with- is politically much further on the left than I ever was, and we constantly surprise each other with the craziest stuff that we didn't know existed, "on the other side."
I do not see how this can then be declared a win for either side of the argument. If neither side collects the data, how can one blame the other for omission?