
Bear Buster? Federal Syntech Solid Core 10mm Review

Some of the federal 10mm is on the slow side fwiw.
I kind of expected the 180 hydro shock to be close to 1200, it barely breaks 1000fps.
I could tell a major difference between it and the Browning 180 gr HP. That Browning stuff made me realize I was shooting 10mm where the hydro shock felt like 9mm
Useful for thick-skinned/boned critters but would zip through a thinned-skinned critter.

Having both thick & thin-skinned dangerous critters in my area I've gone with this round.

In my opinion 10mm may be good black bear and my lion and maybe even interior grizzly detourant but for big coastal Brown Bear it just isn't enough! I don't care what load it is. That being said I carry a 10mm on my hip all the time when I'm out in the woods here on Kodiak. It just gives me a little bit of assurance that if I do get in a wrestling match with Yogi I may have time to put it against his head before he rag dolls me by mine! I've busted and been busted by bruins several times on accident it's usually with in thirty yards or so. Ever see how fast bear can cover thirty yards? If you get your pistlol clear of the holster before he's on top of you you'll be lucky. Let alone get a shot off!
Some of the federal 10mm is on the slow side fwiw.
I kind of expected the 180 hydro shock to be close to 1200, it barely breaks 1000fps.
I could tell a major difference between it and the Browning 180 gr HP. That Browning stuff made me realize I was shooting 10mm where the hydro shock felt like 9mm

Some of the federal 10mm is on the slow side fwiw.
I kind of expected the 180 hydro shock to be close to 1200, it barely breaks 1000fps.
I could tell a major difference between it and the Browning 180 gr HP. That Browning stuff made me realize I was shooting 10mm where the hydro shock felt like 9mm
So true! Federal needs to step up their 10mm HYDS loads!
Just get the 10mm HST load.

And again, the 180gr HS is the FBI load…a .40 S&W in a longer cartridge.
Yeah, Roger that! I'm all to familiar with the History of the the FBI shooting 10mm and then the development of the 40S&W, but why dose Federal keep producing an under powered 10mm Self Defense load in their premium ammo line up? if people want a 1000 fps .40 cal load
for SD then shoot a 40S&W not a 10mm! I have a ten because I like the power! Isn't that the whole point of "The Big Ten" (ha ha ha!) Correct me if I'm wrong? By the way. I load my mags with Hornady's 180 XTP load in 10mm for a SD load. 1200fp if you're not familiar. Check'm out! Thanks for your reply bud!