
Illinois State Police: “Assault weapons” bought during week of injunction are illegal
The Illinois State Police say any purchase of firearms or attachments the state deems as "assault weapons" fro...

There's a lot of that going around. Sadly, just because something is illegal/unconstitutional doesn't mean they won't use it to beat you to death. "The process IS the punishment." Welcome to Bananastan.Ex Post Facto prosecution will never stand. Someone at ISP needs a course in constitutional law
Unless I miss my guess, the U.S. Supreme Court will jerk a knot in someone's tail over this law.…but the smoking weed is still legal to buy, sell and possess, right ?
And soon just smelling it in a car is not probable cause to suspect DUI.
Ex post facto = you’ll need a lawyer in court to argue for the dismissal. No judge will make this process an in and out, one day adjudication.
Their intention is to crowd the courts, hammer the law abiding with continued multiple hearings, excessive legal fees, loss of work, income and other personal burdens including public excoriations.
Doesn't appear to be an issue for the AFT.Ex Post Facto prosecution will never stand. Someone at ISP needs a course in constitutional law
There might be something about this in the 5A. If ISP tries to prosecute on these grounds , I am sure a 5A suit will be forth coming very quickly.Unless I miss my guess, the U.S. Supreme Court will jerk a knot in someone's tail over this law.
Agreed, if they can’t prosecute law abiding gun owners then they will create any law they can to use to arrest and put law abiding gun owners in the poor house defending themselves.Their intent is to wear gun owners down. They know that to defend your rights you'll have to spend 10 times or more than what your rifle cost to go to court. In court you'll probably find that the deck is stacked against you and it's almost impossible to win without further going into debt big time. Lady Justice should weep.
Yes, 2 or 3 years from now. As soon as they do, IL will just come up with another angle that will take years to knock back down.Unless I miss my guess, the U.S. Supreme Court will jerk a knot in someone's tail over this law.
Why are you stuck there and how far from the Missouri border are you ? Commuting not an option ?God I hate living in Illinois now and I’m stuck here. Our only hope is the SCOTUS and Amy Coney Barrett shoves the gavel down their throat for all these unconstitutional laws.
I’m in Cook County and a little over an hour from the Wisconsin border, I’ve considered moving behind the cheddar curtain but my daily commute would be a minimum of 3 hours a day in good traffic. Indiana would be the same problem and I’ve got to work another 10 years minimum before I can even think about retirement. Once I retire I’ll be a southbound vapor trail out of this state. My job (lineman for AT&T) doesn’t transfer out of state without losing 23 years of seniority, if it did transfer I would’ve been gone decades ago.Why are you stuck there and how far from the Missouri border are you ? Commuting not an option ?
I get it. I work for a utility too. Gas company. I can't transfer without losing my seniority either.I’m in Cook County and a little over an hour from the Wisconsin border, I’ve considered moving behind the cheddar curtain but my daily commute would be a minimum of 3 hours a day in good traffic. Indiana would be the same problem and I’ve got to work another 10 years minimum before I can even think about retirement. Once I retire I’ll be a southbound vapor trail out of this state. My job (lineman for AT&T) doesn’t transfer out of state without losing 23 years of seniority, if it did transfer I would’ve been gone decades ago.
Ah see there’s the rub, AT&T doesn’t hire them! Per the agreement with the union any contractors have to be union in order to get the contract BUT there’s nothing in the contract saying they can’t sub it out to whomever they want as long as things are completed correctly and “to spec”. To spec apparently has a very loose meaning and they usually get it right the 8th or 9th time. We stopped fixing subcontractors mistakes and tell the boss and schedulers to shove it and hold the people doing things wrong accountable. Luckily for everyone we don’t contract out aerial work or **** would be falling from the sky.I get it. I work for a utility too. Gas company. I can't transfer without losing my seniority either.
On a side bar, I don't like the fact that AT&T has hired contractors who employ South Americans with shovels and rambores to put in their Level 3. I'm sure those Mexicans are being paid very low wages and much like the roofers of 30 years ago, the siding installers of 20 years ago and the floor layers of 10 years ago, I see my skilled job being turned into menial labor by greedy bastards willing to exploit dirt poor S. Americans while enticing them to over run this country.
Sorry. I was on street next to them all day today.
Good luck brother. And stay safe.
Kinda the same thing here. Contractors got their foot in the door and are currently putting main and services in, sometimes subbing the bores out to another company. Which I thought was shady. I know when I was a contractor you couldn't sub work out from a sub, but I guess you can now. Our union let it happen too.Ah see there’s the rub, AT&T doesn’t hire them! Per the agreement with the union any contractors have to be union in order to get the contract BUT there’s nothing in the contract saying they can’t sub it out to whomever they want as long as things are completed correctly and “to spec”. To spec apparently has a very loose meaning and they usually get it right the 8th or 9th time. We stopped fixing subcontractors mistakes and tell the boss and schedulers to shove it and hold the people doing things wrong accountable. Luckily for everyone we don’t contract out aerial work or **** would be falling from the sky.