
For discussion - what is it about Glock Culture.....?

Most of the bosses avoid me because I absolutely am not afraid to say what I think to anyone at any time and I am smarter than they are. It's one thing to have your employee go off on you, but when he goes off on you and makes you look like a complete effing moron in front of everyone else I guess you tend to go out of your way to avoid that happening again.

Then there was the guy, a fellow union "Brother", who called the hall on me. When the shop steward showed up I told him to go F himself. After he left the dude who called the hall on me looked at me and smiled. I walked over to him and told him he had mistaken me for a guy that wouldn't follow his azz home and break his f'ing legs. He took a bid in another yard a couple weeks later. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Most of the bosses avoid me because I absolutely am not afraid to say what I think to anyone at any time and I am smarter than they are. It's one thing to have your employee go off on you, but when he goes off on you and makes you look like a complete effing moron in front of everyone else I guess you tend to go out of your way to avoid that happening again.

Then there was the guy, a fellow union "Brother", who called the hall on me. When the shop steward showed up I told him to go F himself. After he left the dude who called the hall on me looked at me and smiled. I walked over to him and told him he had mistaken me for a guy that wouldn't follow his azz home and break his f'ing legs. He took a bid in another yard a couple weeks later. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Soo.. Napoleon syndrome. Gotcha 🤪😉
Soo.. Napoleon syndrome. Gotcha 🤪😉
In fact, Napolean was not particularly short. Short sighted for sure, like Hitler. Trying to take Russia in the winter. Not very smart. I'm smart enough not to get fired, but as is my way I also have a plan B and a plan C. Plan B involves a massive amount of damage caused by a guy apparently having a stroke while operating a large Cat excavator. :)

Plan C is top secret.
I could tell you all about the 2 girls I met in the detention facility the first time I hitch hiked to Tampa when I was 15. It involved me climbing out a 2nd story window and sneaking into a 3rd story window. It was totally worth it. ;)
Fire-escape ladder or scaling bricks? or other? Enquiring minds want to know and more questions to follow, depending on the reply...
Girls? As in plural? We must hear more...
Most of the details would get me banned here, but if you use your imagination you will be really close. I got caught sneaking back down in the early morning and through a fortunate set of circumstances found myself on a Greyhound bound for STL later that day. A 3 day trip with no food, no money and part of a pack of cigarettes. A lady at the bus stop in Nashville took pity on me and with me protesting, kindly gave me what was left of a bowl of chili her young daughter couldn't finish.

I have a couple more stories about juvenile detention facilities, one involves girls on the 7th floor of a building on S. Grand in midtown STL and the other involves a daring escape from a much more secured facility in N. St. Louis, which had our hero jumping out of a 2nd story window, traversing totally unfamiliar territory until he came across a Pantera's pizza, whereupon he called a taxi from a payphone and exited enemy lines with helicopters circling overhead, eventually arriving at his 15 year old girlfriend's house in the southern suburbs, where her mother paid the cab fare. Unfortunately our hero was apprehended the next day and spent the next 6 months in custody, being released shortly after his 16th birthday an emancipated man.
My marine corp buddy Bill ( who just left my dinner table) who I've known since 6th grade still gets a laugh out of me escaping from a secure juvenile facility in a taxi cab. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Now I know what you're all thinking. Bassbob must have been a really bad kid. I wasn't really. I smoked a little weed and liked to fight. I was on probation for an assault charge and my mother tried to ground me one day when I was 15. I laughed and walked out the door. My probation officer decided that since I was " Incorrigible" and my parents had no control over me, the state would gladly do it. In their infinite wisdom I was locked up in a facility in N. STL where I was one of about 6 white boys in a facility that held 200 or so. For refusing to let my mother ground me. I was given a choice at my "Hearing" where I was defended by a public defender. I could cut my hair, start going to church and going to school and quit hanging out with my friends or I could go to jail. I chose jail and told my mother that she was never again to be in charge of me. And that my friends is the story of how Bassbob moved out of his parent's house at 15 years old. I got my Good Enough Diploma in jail and when I got out I went back to Tampa to become a famous rock star. :ROFLMAO: By the time I was 20 I was in college with most of the kids I was in junior high school ( my high school career consisted of 5 suspensions in 6 weeks and then dropping out at 15). By the time I was 22 I was married and running my own remodeling company.