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At first I thought Troy might have been tangled up in some of your lighter truck tie downs.Here's the little dude Troy.... he replaced a Doberman that passed after 11 years of fun and protection.
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And make about the best alarm system in the history mankind.I've had dogs all my life. They ask very little of you and are excited to have you come home.
Unconditional love, that's what they are.I've had dogs all my life. They ask very little of you and are excited to have you come home.
Sorry, but I have to disagree..... Even with all the technology today there isn't one system that will take a chunk out of the intruder. Therefore, the dog is THE best alarm system in the history of mankind!And make about the best alarm system in the history mankind.
Haha, so true.Sorry, but I have to disagree..... Even with all the technology today there isn't one system that will take a chunk out of the intruder. Therefore, the dog is THE best alarm system in the history of mankind!IMHO
Very nice looking dog Shamrocker. The flower child ain’t bad eitherThis was my parents dog Samantha (Sam). Father was Wolf/German Sheppard mix, mother was Alaskan Malamute. Awesome dog. Great with my kids and neighbor's kids. I worked as a weekend guard at a trucking company and would take her to work with me. If you told her to "flip her switch" she'd go viscious. Hair on her back would raise up, growling with fangs bared. Used her to scare the hell out of trespassers a few times.
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Oh, I though she was wearing that in front of her face. Fooled me Shamrocker. Yeah Great Danes were great to ride around as well I hear.That's my daughter who's 33 now. Figured since I don't have her permission to post, I should block. She used to ride that dog around like a horse when she was little and the dog loved it.