
Pets, do you have any........

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Had a Dog back in the 80's, but living alone it was tough having to be there to take care of him. Put a crimp in my non-work life. Now that I'm retired, I'm thinking of getting two Huskies, as I do love dogs. If I could, I'd love to own a wolf, I've seen dogs that were breed with wolves (and they look a lot like a wolf), but their cost was several thousand dollars. So huskies are close enough for me and will add to my home security system. 🐶👁👀
As an adult Ive always had dogs.As a kid.I would bring all the strays home & feed them out of the fridge. My grandmother was not impressed.I like the old saying" the more I see of people,the more I like my dogs".Right now have a chocolate lab & a Corgi puppy.Mister Bentley ! Lab is "Crickett


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We raised two Huskies who were brothers, but from different litters (same parents) two yrs apart. Great dogs, who are good with kids. When they would "blow their coat" (shed), I would use a leaf rake in their outdoor, fenced-in kennel, and could fill-up a 5 gallon bucket with fur. The oldest lived to be 16, and the youngest made it to 14.7 yrs old. They're both resting in my backyard. We have a 7 yr old Shitzu and a 2 yr old Sheltie now.
This was my parents dog Samantha (Sam). Father was Wolf/German Sheppard mix, mother was Alaskan Malamute. Awesome dog. Great with my kids and neighbor's kids. I worked as a weekend guard at a trucking company and would take her to work with me. If you told her to "flip her switch" she'd go viscious. Hair on her back would raise up, growling with fangs bared. Used her to scare the hell out of trespassers a few times.

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Very nice looking dog Shamrocker. The flower child ain’t bad either 🌸🤠
I have a Jack Russel named Joe. He will soon be 14 years old. When he is gone I won't have another dog. My health won't allow me to train another. If I knew how to post pics I would do so.

Until 2004 I always lived in the country. I've had many German Sheperds , a Malabute , bird dogs and mutts. I enjoyed every one of them.
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