
1911 V-16 Long Slide is stuck

Hello, I have a V-16 that has never been fired but I was about to take it to the range. Racked the slide and it stuck. It's unloaded with no clip. Not sure how to get it unstuck!

The disconnector may be sticking.

The disconnector may be sticking.

Was thinking the same after thinking on it for a bit.
Try putting some oil down where it’s located at, with the second pic you showed, hold the gun barrel up, and where the slide meets the frame at the disconector location, put some oil there letting it run back under slide where it’s stuck, let it soak a few and try moving the slide, if you have to, tap the back of slide with your hand to try to unfreeze it.
Looking at your picture it does not seem that the slide is all the way to the rear? Can you bring the slide back and maneuver the slide stop up into the slide? I’d be curious if you can move it. Drop some oil in the rails from the front as well, if you can’t get it to move. I have not really heard of galling from SA but it wouldn’t hurt and then if you have a rubber ended mallet, lightly tap the rear to see if you could get it to move.
Has it been dry fired with the slide off the frame? If so, the back edge of the frame (directly to the rear of the disconnector hole) may have peened up where the hammer strikes it.....
If this happens, the slide will ride up on that edge a bit like a motorboat grounding up on a beach, when you rack the slide back next time.
It’ll take a couple sharp taps on the rear of the slide to get it to move forward again. Then that edge can be filed down level again.
Has it been dry fired with the slide off the frame? If so, the back edge of the frame (directly to the rear of the disconnector hole) may have peened up where the hammer strikes it.....
If this happens, the slide will ride up on that edge a bit like a motorboat grounding up on a beach, when you rack the slide back next time.
It’ll take a couple sharp taps on the rear of the slide to get it to move forward again. Then that edge can be filed down level again.
( Never ever let the hammer slam forward on the frame of a 1911 with the slide off ).
Somehow, I am not quite buying that the disconnector could be seized up that bad...
( Never ever let the hammer slam forward on the frame of a 1911 with the slide off ).
Somehow, I am not quite buying that the disconnector could be seized up that bad...
The gun has never been broken down before. Has been sitting in a safe for 15 years and never fired. I got it out today with thoughts of shooting it. Had trouble taking the clip out. Racked it a few times and then it froze as seen in the pictures. Have sprayed down with liquid wrench and waiting a few hours to see if it will move.
The gun has never been broken down before. Has been sitting in a safe for 15 years and never fired. I got it out today with thoughts of shooting it. Had trouble taking the clip out. Racked it a few times and then it froze as seen in the pictures. Have sprayed down with liquid wrench and waiting a few hours to see if it will move.
Yeah, let the liquid wrench migrate a while - that might well do the trick !
(BTW, I learned the dry fire problem the hard way, Lol. Then had to learn the art of ‘fine filing’....)
As HansGruber suggested - "You could also give it a tap after hitting it with lube.

Either way, break it down and clean it before shooting it."

Never fired, stored gun of that age? Personally, after getting slide free from what seen, there appears to be crack inside sidewall above top of magwell looks to be very suspicious and out of whack. Also appears to be other things out of alignment as well around cracked frame. Many things can happen over 10 years or so? Dropped hard? I'd consult a good local gunsmith to better check out gun visually about your situation before attempting to actually use it. From there, right now? You have some good pics, that may help?

P.S. We all likely know what you mean? But, of course there's no "clip." Gun uses a magazine. Usually lot less pages than favorite gun mag, playboy or playgirl, but it's still called magazine. Good luck on your journey. Hoping you safely get your gun up and going soon.