
Ayoob: Were We Wrong About the "Tactical Turtle"?

I shoot this way, and since my eyes have gotten older and the front sight is not as crisp as it used to be I thought I was the only guy that used painters safety glasses with the magnifying lens at the top! I got my from the same place I buy pants, Duluth Trading. Try them, they are a game changer for us older guys. As usual when I think I am brilliant, Mas has already been there and figured that out!!!
I know guys who can shoot the eyes out of a June bug and also have the most improper grip and stance you’ve ever seen. Some of those old action shooters who make Jerry Miculek look like an amateur never even bring the gun up to their head. It’s like they will the bullet to the target with their mind. Everything ain’t for everybody.
I know guys who can shoot the eyes out of a June bug and also have the most improper grip and stance you’ve ever seen. Some of those old action shooters who make Jerry Miculek look like an amateur never even bring the gun up to their head. It’s like they will the bullet to the target with their mind. Everything ain’t for everybody.
Now hold on. Jerry could easily take out a seal team on his lunch break.
I challenge anyone here to use the tactical turtle successfully with a red dot. Mas can do it because he’s been shooting since God was a little boy and he would hit target if he had a rock mounted on his pistol. For most people the Turtle is the quickest way to abandon the red dot because you will forever be chasing that dot. Want to see the dot? Bring it up to your eye, plain and simple. And even that is not as simple as it sounds.
I challenge anyone here to use the tactical turtle successfully with a red dot. Mas can do it because he’s been shooting since God was a little boy and he would hit target if he had a rock mounted on his pistol. For most people the Turtle is the quickest way to abandon the red dot because you will forever be chasing that dot. Want to see the dot? Bring it up to your eye, plain and simple. And even that is not as simple as it sounds.
Sounds like a skill issue.

That was a good read. I've been accused of the "tactical turtle" (on another forum) and actually notice myself employing that "technique" when in a self-defense training class or running SD drills while practicing at the range. I guess it's not a bad thing if it works. None of my instructors have ever mentioned it, either way.

However, I have also made it a point, when practicing pure slow-fire marksmanship, to stand up straight, lift my head, and bring the sights all the way up to my eyes. Of course, with my skills, I'm not sure anything could really help. :LOL: But it's nice to know that turtling is a thing that is not to be feared, and is perhaps beneficial.

Thank you for your indulgence,

1st I had to read the article because I not only didn't have a clue what "tactical turtle" was, but I didn't suspect there was a clue. I bring my head down some, because that was the way I was taught. "Stick your head up son and someone will give you a third eye". (Dad when he started teaching me a whole bunch of stuff to prepare me for the coming race war. 1968 proved to him he was on the right track) I'm a big guy and anything I can do to make a smaller target is a plus.