The 9mm is my caliber of choice for carrying EDC I carry the Springfield Hell Cat and the ammo of choice is the Speer 124 Grain Gold Dot Hollow Point +P and a carry 4 spare 13 round mags the firepower is a plus over the 8 round XDE 45 I did carry with 4 7 round mags .and the velocity and penetration of the 9mm outperform the .45 ACP in the urban environment where you might have to shoot through cover like a car door most of the time 45 ACP will not penetrate a car door proven in a junkyard the 9mm would go through both car doors and the 45 ACP would make a dent or go thru only part of the door. I carried both the .45 & 9mm in combat as an Infantryman in two conflicts and had to defend my self with both calibers and both did the job the enemy combatant was DRT Dead Right There.I've been reading gun mags since I was a kid and forums more these days, and I remember when the 9mm was absolute "garbage" and worthless. If you didn't have a .45 you didn't have nuthin'... Then the .40 appeared and "fixed" everything. Now, the 9mm is back on top. The .40 is a waste, the .45 is too big and slow, and the 9mm is the greatest thing in the world. Now I know the "experts" are saying the 9 is fine now, but is it really? Has there really been any testing of new 9mm ammo to support this notion that the 9 is fine now? What do you all think?