
Accidentally stabbed to death

I have seen them at gun shows and various sellers


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I've seen those things, never would i wear one of them, but the all the ones i ever seen were small. had to cut him in the throat. probably got the jugular. not big enough to reach a vital organ. but he may have had a different one from all i know about.
Wow, I guess I must be the lone duck here? I sometimes carry a Bark River Adventurer in a leather sheath on some 550 cord when it's winter and my coat gets in the way of pockets. It isn't a "tactical" knife, I use it for everyday tasks when digging in my pocket for a folder doesn't make sense. When out and about it's a Microtech and no I don't wear it around my neck.
Ouch. .since retiring from IT where I was forced to wear a tie for years, nothing goes around my neck these days.

Had a badge hanging on a quick release cord years ago while working on an automatic screw machine. The cord got caught in a spinning spindle and twisted in such a way the release was jammed. The cord spun into a noose in a split second and things got a tad hairy before could cut it.

No carrying anything on neck cords.
Worked with a teacher once who had started teaching during to days when the mimeograph machine was the only way to make copies. One morning, long before I knew him, he got his tie caught in the rotating drum, and if someone hadn't come along and turned the machine off and cut him out he would have died there. It was said that from that point on he only wore bow ties to work.