
Another Disgraceful Display From The New Breed Of Democrats


Hello fellow patriots!

I will apologize up front. I rarely share news items from very right-leaning opinionated sources but this story transgresses all decency.

Americans were horrified and sickened over the news that an illegal alien raped a 13-year-old girl in New York City, but it was a laughing matter for one Democrat congresswoman and MSNBC’s Joy Reid.

They called it "fear mongering". Their attitude makes my blood boil.

Please tell all your friends and neighbors to vote for common sense and decency in the upcoming election. You might not like the bus driver, but if the bus is on the correct road and going the proper direction, I'll take the ride.

EDIT: Related story:


Even the Associated Press will conveniently leave out details that do not fit a prescribed agenda.

Thank you for your indulgence,

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Hello fellow patriots!

I will apologize up front. I rarely share news items from very right-leaning opinionated sources but this story transgresses all decency.

They called it "fear mongering". Their attitude makes my blood boil.

Please tell all your friends and neighbors to vote for common sense and decency in the upcoming election. You might not like the bus driver, but if the bus is on the correct road and going the proper direction, I'll take the ride.

EDIT: Related story:


Even the Associated Press will conveniently leave out details that do not fit a prescribed agenda.

Thank you for your indulgence,

That’s typical of any mainstream news organization today, they all have the same agenda as this current administration has, sad situation

I recommend searching for Greg Gutfeld show on YouTube from yesterday 20 June. He blasts the fear mongering crap you mention.

Gutfeld is great! I stream his show quite often. Thanks!

That’s typical of any mainstream news organization today, they all have the same agenda as this current administration has, sad situation

And the "mainstream media" types turn up their nose and talk down any other source that reports more facts, the whole story, or a different viewpoint. It's maddening.

It's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Jayapal out of Seattle shows the typical attitude on the Federal level what the local and state legislatures there do I. Seattle. Completely nuts. Then they wonder why they have issues there.

My Son lives there only because he had split custody or he couldn’t get away fast enough

The authoritarians refused to do immigration reform. Not Democrats. "It might be bad for my campaign."

That is a bunch of crap. Just because the "system doesn't work" is no reason to leave the border wide open and allow this invasion. Biden did away with our secure southern border as soon as he got into office. Ne'er-do-wells from all over the world are flooding up through Mexico. It's not just hard-pressed families from Mexico. It's military age men from China, Tajikastan, ISIS personnel, sex traffickers from Venezuela, and other criminals from countries unfriendly to the U.S. Open your eyes man.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Hello fellow patriots!

I will apologize up front. I rarely share news items from very right-leaning opinionated sources but this story transgresses all decency.

They called it "fear mongering". Their attitude makes my blood boil.

Please tell all your friends and neighbors to vote for common sense and decency in the upcoming election. You might not like the bus driver, but if the bus is on the correct road and going the proper direction, I'll take the ride.

EDIT: Related story:


Even the Associated Press will conveniently leave out details that do not fit a prescribed agenda.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Meh. Who listens to these view mental midgets anyway? Nobody I know
Remember when Uncle Joe wanted to add 85,000 armed IRS agents? Here’s a thought-how about 85,000 additional border patrol agents-with authorization to use any and every means to STOP criminals crossing the border (illegal means they are violating OUR laws-shop them!). The Good Lord alone knows how many terrorists and foreign operatives are here today thanks to the open border.

That is a bunch of crap. Just because the "system doesn't work" is no reason to leave the border wide open and allow this invasion. Biden did away with our secure southern border as soon as he got into office. Ne'er-do-wells from all over the world are flooding up through Mexico. It's not just hard-pressed families from Mexico. It's military age men from China, Tajikastan, ISIS personnel, sex traffickers from Venezuela, and other criminals from countries unfriendly to the U.S. Open your eyes man.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Preach it, brother!

That is a bunch of crap. Just because the "system doesn't work" is no reason to leave the border wide open and allow this invasion. Biden did away with our secure southern border as soon as he got into office. Ne'er-do-wells from all over the world are flooding up through Mexico. It's not just hard-pressed families from Mexico. It's military age men from China, Tajikastan, ISIS personnel, sex traffickers from Venezuela, and other criminals from countries unfriendly to the U.S. Open your eyes man.

Thank you for your indulgence,

i dont hold it against anybody for wanting to better their and their familys life, however the people your mentioning arent coming here to better anyones life. they are coming here to commit crimes and worse. as an American, a patriot, and retired LEO, is exactly why i am always locked and loaded at home, when i am out, anytime, to protect myself, my family and others, the meek, children, elderly, other patriotic Americans

That is a bunch of crap. Just because the "system doesn't work" is no reason to leave the border wide open and allow this invasion. Biden did away with our secure southern border as soon as he got into office. Ne'er-do-wells from all over the world are flooding up through Mexico. It's not just hard-pressed families from Mexico. It's military age men from China, Tajikastan, ISIS personnel, sex traffickers from Venezuela, and other criminals from countries unfriendly to the U.S. Open your eyes man.

Thank you for your indulgence,

I've got to think this is the reason for the opening of the border in the mind of the POTUS and his ilk. The thought was that if they threw open the border to an uncontrolled/unlimited status, they could force some kind of 'Immigration reform' as they perceived it should be. What they didn't recognize was how quickly it would/could get totally out of hand and become a totally lost cause. 'Immigration Reform' (no matter how badly needed or not) and an 'Open Border' are not mutually exclusive. In other words, a reformed legal immigration system and a 'totally uncontrolled and open' border are not dependent upon one another which is what the plan was in order to force an immigration reform beneficial to the left.

Why was an immigration reform effort so important to them you ask ... well, because if they could increase the numbers of legal immigrants substantially, they could also via various types of public pressures and/or bribes, cut the amount of times for them to acquire green cards, work permits, and other benefits such as voting in local elections. Note: Some locales already allow non citizens to vote in local elections. The thought was that the sooner they could begin to interject immigrants into local elections, the sooner the outcry for allowing them to vote in state, and then federal elections. And if all that (freebies and benefits) were attributed to the liberals, who would you expect those immigrants to vote for ... more liberals. The fact is the border control collapsed so quickly and with so little opposition, it caught even the left off guard, but then they simply accepted the even greater number of illegal immigrants/migrants.

The additional numbers of legal immigrants and/or illegal migrants far exceed the birthrate increase of American citizens and at some point will be available to vote across the board. It's the 'long game' folks. We already know the birthrate of American citizens has declined to a level not seen nor heard of in the history of the country. But the population must be increased by some regular standards. How better to do it than with all those who have been granted a 'Blue Ribbon' prize to enter the USA, and who are ready, willing and able to conceive anchor babies within a year of being here? That anchor baby is automatically an American citizen ... how many of those family members of those babies would you guess will ever be deported?

I hate that I'm even thinking all this, much less writing it. But as I said, I'm convinced it began as a 'tit-for-tat' in an effort to increase the number of legal immigrants and simply got out of hand. In other words, "I'll control the border if you'll allow me to increase the numbers of legals" ... but as I said earlier the two situations are not mutually exclusive even though they wanted us all to believe they were.

These people (most illegal migrants) deserve a better life, a better opportunity at a better life, but not at the expense of the country we all grew up in and love. And we're now seeing the result of the greed, and the lack of concern what happens to this country when overrun by so many taking advantage of the 'blue ribbon' prize, the lack of rules, as well as and especially those who are ready, willing and able to do so much harm to the country and best form of government ever designed by man. We've already seen the increase in crime overall, with much of it attributed to the influx of illegal migrants ... and I'm afraid the worst is yet to come. --- Sorry, rant over ---!

That is a bunch of crap. Just because the "system doesn't work" is no reason to leave the border wide open and allow this invasion. Biden did away with our secure southern border as soon as he got into office. Ne'er-do-wells from all over the world are flooding up through Mexico. It's not just hard-pressed families from Mexico. It's military age men from China, Tajikastan, ISIS personnel, sex traffickers from Venezuela, and other criminals from countries unfriendly to the U.S. Open your eyes man.

Thank you for your indulgence,

I live at the border. It is not "wide open." There are more asylum seekers now. It takes too long to hear their cases. But when they are over 90% are deported.

I was in Nogales, Sonora 10 days ago and less than 50 people were waiting to present for immigration/asylum.

The law you want to pretend didn't matter had more funding for immigration courts, judges and staff.
There are not "more asylum seekers", there are more... many, many more 'claiming' to be asylum seekers. Some don't even claim it, they readily admit they're here for a job. A reasonable assumption as to why there was less than 50 people waiting to present for immigration/asylum is due to the fact the vast majority of the estimated 10-12 million illegal migrants having crossed in the past three years were all given NTA's as much as 6-10 years in the future. Why the hell would they present if they're not going to be checked up on or bothered for 10 years? That's a pretty good life for them for that 10 years with all the freebies, even if they are finally deported at the end of that time. And to claim that 90% are deported ultimately sounds just like the tripe spewing from the mouths in charge now. Just how many do you think are likely to be deported after all that time with marriages to citizens, anchor babies, etc.

And all that time our own citizens are being deprived of services they need and deserve. Think of the school resources being inundated by tens of thousands of kids who can't even speak the language, all requiring additional multi lingual teachers and special tutoring, or the many thousands who can't read at anywhere near grade/age level requiring all those citizen children to be held back till there's some 'catch-up'. And how about the health care services for the millions of additional people, or welfare and various other social services, even Social Security benefits in some cases. And finally think of those families who have lost loved ones to some claiming asylum but who should never have been here in the first place. If only the numbers of border crossers would have been kept at a reasonable level, instead of inviting the world in and then protecting them when they took you up on it, the existing number of border control officers and others might have been able to do the job required in vetting them, rather than just letting everyone in and trying to sort them out later.

Look, I feel for these people, many, maybe most are good people truly looking for asylum, or better life for themselves and their families. But that is a small number relative to the 10-12 MILLION who have invaded our supposedly sovereign country. And the so-called 'law' as you called it had nothing to do with securing the southern border, it had to do with funding many more paper pushers. Not Border Control agents, not Customs/Immigration agents, no one to actually close or control the border. I'd call that pretty much "wide open". If you've not seen the TV videos of them crossing by the hundreds, or thousands in groups each and every day, then you need to change the channel you're watching.

And finally, you and others really should consider all those who have family here who all came here legally over time and with lots of effort. Not only that, but those who might still be in line waiting but who are being pushed to the back of the line right behind the illegal migrants. Some families know some like that and cannot be convinced they are in the wrong. If I sound bitter it's probably only because I am ..................................
I live at the border. It is not "wide open." There are more asylum seekers now. It takes too long to hear their cases. But when they are over 90% are deported.

I was in Nogales, Sonora 10 days ago and less than 50 people were waiting to present for immigration/asylum.

The law you want to pretend didn't matter had more funding for immigration courts, judges and staff.
I guess all the video evidence and even democrat mayors is deep fake ? 🤪